Triangles: redeeming the square

31 maggio 2019

Listen to the audio - click on May 27


Reflections on Wesak Work

22 maggio 2019

Listen to the Audio - click on May 20

PDF of the talk
We are within the radius and the radiance of the sacred Wesak full moon days – this Monday being a day of distribution of the light and the life more abundant that is flowing from the highest realms through the planetary heart center, the Hierarchy of love and the great Masters of East and West, the Buddha and the Christ, through the New Group of World Servers and all true aspirants and disciples of all traditions encompassing, stimulating and fusing humanity.


Spiritual Reading

15 maggio 2019

Listen to the audio - click on May 13

PDF of the talk
Wesak as you know is a high point of the spiritual year, it is the Festival linked with the highest spiritual center on the planet, the center Shamballa and each year at this time, at great sacrifice to himself, the Lord Buddha returns to bring a blessing to humanity.


The Antahkarana and the Temple of God

15 maggio 2019

Listen to the audio

PDF of the talk
The links, or bridges that we are forging in consciousness to our co-workers through our work with Triangles draws a comparison with the links that we need to forge between the personality and the soul and later with the higher spiritual realms. These bridges in consciousness which have the cumbersome name of antahkaranas are generally forged through the normal process of evolution, although only at the later stages of that lengthy process.


A Silent Minute

2 maggio 2019

Listen to the audio - April 29
