The Power of the Present Moment

28 febbraio 2022

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Today, the 28th day of February and the last day of the shortest month, we might ponder on why February is so different in length to all the other months of the year. The reason has its roots in history. In the 8th century BCE Romulus, who founded the city of Rome, established a calendar that had only 10-months starting in March with the spring equinox and ending in December. January and February did not at that time exist, winter was not considered worthy of counting. 


The Will-to-Express

21 febbraio 2022

PDF of the presentation

Three days ago, we entered in the last of the 12 zodiacal signs, Pisces. Ahead of us is the time of Spring and of the major spiritual Festivals at the beginning of the new spiritual year. Behind us is the sign of Aquarius that just came to an end. And, this might be true from our everyday perception in the three worlds. From another perspective as a greater whole, however, we are travelling in a reversed way. 


Receiving News Bulletins - Our Spiritual Workout and Service

14 febbraio 2022

PDF of first part of the presentation

PDF of second part of the presentation

The worldwide movement of creative meditation of which Triangles is a part, is dedicated to laying the foundations of the new civilization through prayer, meditation, and service.  We could say in all honesty, that our souls are urging us to remember our commitment to participate in this work, and to belong to this vanguard of the New Age. 
