The Raincloud

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The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on March 19, 2018:

As with many aspects of life there is an inner and outer aspect to the field of education.  Outwardly, or objectively, education is concerned with the lower or concrete mind and the myriad of facts and specifications that is so characteristic of contemporary life and which has formed the basis or foundation for human genius.  But as Triangles workers we know there is also a higher type of knowing, a knowing that stems not from the concrete levels of understanding but rather from the soul, from the inner realms of being. Access to these subtle realms of knowing can only be found as we learn to affect an inner alignment within consciousness.  Then we are able to enter into the causal realm, the realm that substands the more apparent world of outer effects.  One name used in spiritual teachings for this other or higher realm of knowledge is the “raincloud of knowable things” -- a realm of ideas which can impress our waking or concrete consciousness if we establish the right inner conditions. It’s said that at this time this “raincloud is hovering, heavy with portent and knowledge, over a world that is in process of reorganisation and regeneration” (Discipleship in the New Age, Vol.II, p. 300).  And it’s said this raincloud can precipitate through those disciples who can recognize that which is imminent and can become the agents whereby the needed changes can be brought about in our world.  

These knowable  things are sorely needed at this time because human consciousness is ready for those newer truths that will resonate with their inner sense of knowing and that are needed to move us forward into greater light with the consequent reorganization and regeneration as the quote states.  These precipitations are affected by men and women the world over who, at moments of contact with their inner selves, learn to bring through and formulate these ideas in ways that serve a real purpose in our world. 

Triangles workers the world over contribute to this act of precipitation--preparing the field, providing and sustaining the scaffolding, enlivening the planetary etheric body, flooding it daily with light and love. And because Triangles is a group activity, contributed to by many thousands throughout the planet, it can serve as a means whereby a group precipitation of these knowable things can flood the planet and find anchoring through an individual or group here and there who can capture the inspiration and ground it.  The energy of the network can be drawn upon by all people everywhere of open hearts and minds who respond to spiritual stimulation when it is distributed and released into the environment.

Kathy Newburn

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