

                                                                        Jen Loui

What does it mean to work within a group – to willingly lend our focused intent to a greater energy?

The power of a group as opposed to an individual is a factual thing. On its most basic level the power of group can be seen in group events like sports, or concerts or religious gatherings. An energy is created, made of the dominant intention present. We can easily be swept into this energy and in doing this, add our energy to the constantly swelling form. “Mass hysteria” is a term possibly inspired by the more unruly of these types of events.

Let’s take it a step further and consider a more personal experience of sharing a group mind. If you’re a parent, you have most likely had instances of an unexplained “knowing” regarding your child. You could be hundreds of miles apart, but know without doubt that something is wrong. When you check in with your child, you likely found that something was wrong.

How does this happen? Is it some kind of magic? And does it only happen to people who are special in some way? No.

Our human physiology goes much deeper than we give it credit for. All humans have this ability to connect with another using only the faculty of the mind. Since we’ve likely all experienced this phenomenon, let’s say that we accept the fact that this human ability exists.

Then the question could be asked, “To what end?”

This is the question which humanity is now in a place to consider. The world has grown, boundaries have been made, cultures have been created and we are fast becoming isolated from each other. If it is a fact that two people can connect through the mind, it would be a fact that a million people using their minds to focus on a single thing, could have a noticeable, scale-tipping impact on the tangible world no matter the culture, boundaries or proximity on earth. If this is then true, what would we like to create? What are we in need of?

The Triangles group happens to be a perfect example of how to use this power of mind. We know what we want to create. We are using our thoughts to create a new pattern of energy. We’re also using specific words – an invocation – to give our thoughts, more focus. As we create the energy of the triangle, we keep in mind that if we include the use of the Great Invocation to add that extra power to our amassed thoughts, our intent will be raised to align with the intent of the Invocation.

This is not limiting. It is identifying. It is smart. It is direct, magnetic guidance which could be expressed in any one of a million greater-good phrases which mirror the intentions of the GI. Like attracts like.

Let’s look at all this from a human mechanics point of view for a minute.

According to, our brain is a three-pound universe that processes 70,000 thoughts each day using 100 billion neurons that connect at more than 500 trillion points through synapses that travel 300 miles/hour. The signals that travel through these interconnected neurons form the basis of memories, thoughts and feelings. The mind, which has been referred to as the brains “functional product”, evolves to be a kind of map of each humans relation to its physical environment. Thoughts have shape and weight, and since thoughts are energy signals, the energy transmitting a thought has mass. The mass would be a very small number - but it would not be zero.

The brain is an electrical machine, creating thousands and thousands of sparks of consciousness throughout the course of a single day. If we ae in purposeful sync with other minds also creating sparks, might we merge those sparks so they grow into a bigger and bigger source of energy, of light? If our individual thoughts have mass, millions of minds connected would have a million times that mass. One has to wonder what kind of impact that might have were the intent and focus very clear.

This ability to create by combining the energy of our minds is not magic. It is our deeper physiology.

Triangles is an application of this group mind. We start as individuals, move outward to join two others, then move outward again to join millions, creating a web of minds united by intention, invocation and power.

Triangles is perhaps a training ground for many of us. Here is where we first learn to lend our individual power of mind to a good which is greater than ourselves - the creation of a thriving global web of life. Envision a world in the near future where we are willing and ready to add our power of mind to the regeneration of some current aspect of global need. Imagine millions of people joining together at a specific time, focusing in on an agreed-upon outcome and extending millions of watts of power toward the creation of that intended outcome. Imagine the power generated by such an act. A sky-full of energy being sent to solve a problem.

This is not science-fiction. This is us. Now.

We are just on the verge of fully understanding this science of group mind. In the meantime we have been offered assurance by those wise individuals who are a little further along the upward moving spiral, that we are right to seek this path – that we truly must seek this path.

We must move forward with a commitment to strengthen this power of mind. Its power is birthright. Its power is responsibility. And its very existence is fast becoming key to our flourishing as a race.


This is a poem by Alla Renee Bozarth



The small plot of ground
on which you were born
cannot be expected
to stay forever
the same.

Earth changes,
and home
becomes different

You took flesh
from clay
but the clay
did not come
from just one place.


To feel alive,
important, and safe,
know your own waters
and hills, but know

You have stars
in your bones
and oceans
in blood.

You have opposing
terrain in each eye.

You belong to the land
and sky of your first cry,
you belong to infinity.