Planetary Maya

We are still in the midst of the intense light that is pouring in to the planet at this high point of the spiritual year. We are poised before the start of the great outbreath. It is our responsibility as esotericists to act as channels for this light, so that it can penetrate the minds and hearts of humanity and thus aid the evolutionary Plan. This radiant light is deeply needed because humanity is immersed within the fogs and miasmas of the Maya that surrounds the planet. This light is the means to irradiate the path through and out of the Dweller on the Threshold, as this fog is known. The Dweller is a massive dense thoughtform that encompasses the past and current desire nature of humanity – that is, all of humanity’s mistakes and weaknesses, its distorted strengths, perverse motives, evil inclinations and negative thinking that are all part of the dual nature of the human condition. It mesmorises the majority and is the source of the suffering, negativity, and much of the ill health seen in the world. 

It is the desire nature that fuels this thoughtform and desires are constantly stimulated by contact with it, it is therefore a cumulative problem and is the source of the uncontrolled desire that is wreaking havoc on the health of the planet. 

Desire permeates every aspect of human living, but if we just look at it in terms of just one aspect, that of the foods and drinks that we crave and the effect this has on bodily health, we gain an insight as to the problem the planet faces. For example, over consumption of processed, sugar and fat rich food and drinks are leading to the crisis in obesity, diabetes, heart disease and the cancers that plague Western societies. In the UK we have the highest rate of childhood obesity in Europe, currently standing at 20%.1When looked at together with addictions to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, all of which damage the physical form we begin to see the extent of humanity’s problem.  Just as the desire nature of an individual can wreak havoc on the physical form, so the combined desires of humanity wreak havoc on the planet, as seen today in the pollution of our air, seas and rivers, the plundering of our forests, the overfishing that damages marine environments, examples that all lead to environmental degradation and its consequence, global warming. The extent of this problem is slowly dawning on human consciousness. As United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said in his State of the Planet speech in December, ‘we have come to a "moment of truth", "Covid and climate have brought us to a threshold." 2

The extent of the problem can be summed up in five crucial measures of climate health; the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, the heat of the planet, Artic ice levels, the levels of permafrost and the size of our forests. 

In terms of CO2 in the atmosphere, it reached record levels in 2020, hitting 417 parts per million in May. In the pre-industrial era, it stood at around 280 parts per million. In the next 50 years it is estimated to hit 500 leading to even greater temperatures, more forest fires, glaciers melting faster, sea levels submerging islands, corals dying and jelly fish taking over the oceans. The past decade has been recorded as the hottest on record. The year 2020 was more than 1.2C hotter than the average year in the 19th Century. 

And this increase in heat was no-where more keenly felt than in the Arctic. In June 2020, the temperature reached 38C in eastern Siberia, the hottest ever recorded within the Arctic Circle. The heatwave accelerated the melting of sea ice in the East Siberian and Laptev seas and delayed the usual Arctic freeze by almost two months. This effected the levels of permafrost. 

Now, permafrost contains a huge amount of greenhouse gases, including CO2 and methane, which are released into the atmosphere as it thaws. Therefore, permafrost does us a big favour by keeping carbon locked away from the atmosphere. As do trees, but since 1990 the world has lost 178 million hectares of forest (690,000 square miles) – an area the size of Libya. 3

Guterres, in his December speech, said "Let's be clear: Human activities are at the root of our descent towards chaos. But that means human action can help solve it."4 And, this is our opportunity as esoteric workers, because we understand and know the power of the Dweller and how contact with it stimulates desire. There are very few people who escape the power of this huge negative thoughtform and those who do understand its illusory nature are well positioned to lead humanity out of the dark and into the light. Under the Law of Karma, the Dweller has to be dissipated by those who have created it. Every one of us that strives to overcome glamour and illusion in our own lives, aids in its dissipation, for it means that one small stream of life-energy is directed into new channels, and away from the old stream, which tends to vitalise and feed the illusion and therefore the desire nature.  

It is in overcoming our own glamours and illusions that we gain the radiance of the soul, the solar Angel can then transmit its light without distortion, and it is our combined radiance as a group that lights the way for others to see beyond the miasmas and fogs. Radiance is therefore, key to the battle, and our work in Triangles is important in this endeavour because it creates a radiant network of light and love that illuminates human minds so that the Dweller can be recognised for what it is, faced and eventually overcome. It is a great battle, described in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire as a true war in the heavens. We read:

‘As the solar Gods descend ever nearer to the physical plane, and in their descent assume a steadily increasing control of the lunar natures, the thoughts and desires of men are consequently purified and refined. The solar fires put out the lunar light, and the lower nature is eventually purified and transmuted.  In time the solar Angels blaze forth in all their glory through the medium of the lower nature on the physical plane, that lower nature providing fuel to the flames.  The hated "Dweller on the Threshold" thus gradually dies for lack of sustenance, and disintegrates for lack of vitality, and man is set free.’ 5

The health of our planet stands in the balance and it is our work to overcome the Dweller in our own lives, the dissipation of our own glamours and illusions, that we irradiate soul light becoming beacons that can lead humanity out of the fogs and miasmas and into the light of day.

3 Ibid.
4 Ibid
5 A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, pg. 951

- Christine Aagaard