Soul in Education

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The following presentation was given by Clarence Harvey, a long standing Triangles co-worker, which was broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on March 19, 2018. Clarence is a retired school teacher based in the UK. He works with a small group of educators known as 'Triangles in Education', and studies and teaches the Martial Art of the Soul:

There are tens of thousands of individuals in the world today who are actively engaged in the daily work of constructing the planetary network of lighted triangles within the body of humanity, and of energising the threads of this subtle network with goodwill and with a new, vibrating livingness. This is Soul work at the collective level, and it is work that helps create the conditions for the reorientation of humanity’s educational endeavours in the direction of a culture of the Soul life.

The Triangles’ work with the Great Invocation not only stimulates the circulation and radiation of energy within and through the network, but it provides the foundations of healthy educational activity that magnetically calls out the best from human minds, from human hearts, and from human creative wills. Through this work, we can come to understand the energy of the Soul as the dynamic factor in every human being who responds to the greater light of the Soul of humanity as a whole, and in this sense, we can appreciate that true education is a dynamic activity of Soul to soul interaction.

In the late 1990s the term Soul in Education was adopted by a group of educators who were committed to helping to bring about the reorientation and re-energising of world education in our times. Their conception of education encompassed the education of children, young people, and all humanity in a process of life-long learning across all cultures, ethnicities and belief systems. This process of reorientation is ongoing and relentless because it is rooted in the turning of the greater world of living energy in which humanity exists as a kingdom in nature. But it is also dependant on the establishing and stabilising of centres in humanity’s consciousness where there is a discipline of attention to the higher calling of our soul nature.

There are of course many ways of focalising the light of the Soul in humanity. Amongst these, the structure and format of the Triangles work is peculiarly appropriate, synthesising as it does the qualities of all seven fundamental solar rays that light up the Soul life, and providing the freedom to express this Soul light into the world according to need and calling.

From the educational standpoint, the daily and monthly rhythm of Triangles work is group co-creation of a subtle but powerful inner centre of Learning that is readily open to all who choose to do this work. It can be experienced as a kind of inner university of the Soul which has many departments and faculties, all sharing in the experiential study of the energy of goodwill and its infusion into the personality life of humanity. If Soul education is education in the art, science and applied techniques of Service, the presence of awakening Souls in the world’s educational processes will inevitably bring about a steadily growing inner healing of the multiple and widespread cleavages in our fractured humanity. In our daily Triangles work we consciously place our own Triangle or Triangles within the greater network of living human beings who are co-creating the network. In that place we become energetically linked with fellow students and practitioners of the art and science of Light-invocation on behalf of “the centre which we call the race of men”. What we study in that place and in group formation is not merely intellectual learning; it allows us to reach beyond our personality selves and to open our soul-minds to being infused with the living energy that draws us up further into higher evolutionary vibratory functioning. We can characterise this higher vibratory functioning as the effect of the note of the Spiritual Triad whose nature is experienced as spiritually enlightened will, selfless and wisdom-imbued love, and higher intellectual mental seeing. Soul education is therefore a process of externalisation of the qualities and energies of enlightenment in mind, heart and will, which humanity is destined to express when it successfully builds the sense of living connection between the light of the self and the Light of the higher Self.

In working with an attention to the qualities of the light of the Soul, we find that there is a universal tendency to relate this light to the light of the Sun. Human art, science and technology reveal different facets of the multidimensional nature of the light of the sun. Human spiritual sensitivity reveals yet other aspects, and there is a growing field of human psychology which studies and reveals how the same solar energies impact on and demonstrate in major patterns of human behaviour. In this sense, we might come to see the processes of the Soul in educational activity leading to an increasing capacity in humanity to work with solar ideas as precipitated expressions of an overarching Solar Idea that is itself the energetic seed of a Plan of unfoldment for all life within the solar system. These solar ideas are imbued with qualities which unify, beautify, and harmonise all life and which will inspire us with the wonder of the divine purpose that calls us into a better future.

The Great Invocation can be understood as an activity that gives rise to a core curriculum for world education during the Aquarian age. It has been described as a ‘potent solar instrument’, and we are told that the coming World Teacher sounds it every day. Part of the educational curriculum for the Soul of humanity appears to be an evolutionary requirement for us to learn to penetrate into deeper levels of understanding of the right use of solar energy. We come to appreciate that the release of higher spiritual solar energies of Light and Love and Power into humanity is only safely accomplished as we learn to stand together in a spirit of ubuntu or goodwill towards all humanity. All of these factors reinforce the sense that in participating in the work of Triangles we are learning a form of solar energy work that reconnects humanity into an active brotherhood able to consciously circulate light and love within our planet. Through this dynamic work we learn experientially that we live in a solar system whose essential energy-nature is boundless love-wisdom.  We learn that the expressing of solar love-wisdom is a major purpose of human learning. This seems to be the underlying basis of the teaching of all world teachers. We might say that Soul education is the path of enlightenment of human hearts and minds so that these hearts and minds serve as outposts of the nature of Solar consciousness, which nature is pure, radiant Love-Wisdom, the qualities of the Soul as our inner ‘Bodhisattva’ nature.

Finally, we note that the need for Soul-awakening educational activity, and the organisation of souls in group formation for world service, has never been greater. The Triangles work answers this need. It serves humanity by providing a living centre of energy-directing thought-activity through which the light of the Sun in Aquarius can enter into human minds and hearts and there foster the noble qualities of enlightened being. This entry of Aquarian energy anchors as a Light that ignites the spirit of goodwill and – when released in organised service –  this results in that healing of humanity that enables us to live in a spirit of horizontal and vertical Brotherhood. As we learn to vibrate the qualities of Soul-based brotherhood in ourselves we become increasingly able to cooperate in the planetary enterprise of the production of a Bodhisattva Humanity. So, it is clear that we have much to learn, and that every day is a day of opportunity for Soul learning and Soul service.

Clarence Harvey

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