The Esoteric Approach to the Land


Jen Loui


The future relationship between the human race and all growing things will be a dynamic and purposeful partnership. This partnership has existed in various forms throughout humanities evolution but the last 100 years or so has taken most of us far away from the original possibilities of a human to earth connection. We, as a race, need to begin paying attention to the land again, notice it, extend out to it as if it matters. This kind of energy will attract some curious attention from the race of living things we call the Devic race, and will lead, in time, to an energetic response from them, toward us. It will hinge on our ability to be consistent, genuine and empathetic, and we should go about our tasks associated with the earth, aware that there is a profound new kind of interaction available to us.

As we walk the land we should become consciously aware of its feel and reach. We might notice that some plots of earth actually feel “awake”, more willing to notice the human presence. Other areas might feel distant, unknowable and far away even though we stand squarely on top if it.

An indigenous author, Enrique Salmon, is a member of the Tarahumara tribe from Norther Mexico and teaches at California State East Bay San Fransisco. He’s written several books on interaction with the land and says “If the Earth is alive and conscious it will recognize who its friends are.”

These are powerful words. Friendship is a two way street. Just because we’re human doesn’t make us the top of the food chain. The earth consciousness is its own being and has its own conclusions about us. The earths manner of perception is likely not our manner. Perhaps it is a more stream-lined consciousness that is slow and deep and true, recognizing us as “friend” through our tone of presence or color of intention. However the earth recognizes its own, that acceptance will open doors to the kind of two way interaction we are capable of, and should begin to seek.

A year or two ago, we shared a short talk on this webinar about putting gardens or farm crops into the land using the shape of a triangle. Then the Great Invocation was sounded at each of the 3 corners on a daily basis, as a way to cement the higher energies into the growth process.

This could be one way of approaching the human/land relationship. If we believe in the power of the mind to effect a change in our physical surroundings (and we must or we wouldn’t be part of the Triangles community) then we could use this truth to its fullest extent and propel humanity into its next best relationship with the earth.

There have been pioneers in this area, and there are already great points of earth-light which have been in place for 50 years or more. Many of you are likely aware of the Findhorn Community in Scotland where the land works in deep sync with the humans who consciously extended out to it. Foods of enormous size and vitality were grown in soil that was primarily sand. Findhorn is still in existence today and continues to hold to the truth that the land is aware and conscious of us.

Of course the indigenous peoples of all continents have known this to be true for thousands and thousands of years, and many, many strong points of connection exist across all continents in those places where the people revered and listened to their lands. Here in the United States, many native tribes maintain cyclic ceremonies for the land. There is a deep and profound belief in treating the “Mother” with respect and honor. Some believe that it is the cumulative effect of these native ceremonies which is, literally, holding the land together today. Many tribes also hold fast to the concept of 7 Generations: that the impact of decisions and actions we make now should be considered out 7 generations into the future. The question always in mind is “what world are we giving to those who are not yet born, but who are coming?” The condition of the land and the “friendship” – or lack of it - which has been cultivated over time is certainly one of the situations which currently weighs heavily on the minds of Native peoples.

There are many types of ceremony. Planting our gardens or crops in the shape of a triangle and then using the Great Invocation to sink deep respect and evolutionary energy into that land is a type of ceremony. Repeated daily during the life of the growing season… you can imagine the results, over time.

But this is a big-picture approach to nature and growth. What is happening on a much smaller level – a microscopic level - out of sight and only very rarely even considered?

There was a gentleman by the name of Geoffrey Hodson who wrote many esoteric books in the first half of the 20th Century. In one of his books, Fairies at Work and at Play, he gives a firsthand description of the activities of the elemental beings as they play their part in all the steps involved in plant growth. He was said to be a man of sight, who could see the process of plant growth starting with the earliest stirrings within the individual seed. The book itself is filled with his observations of the devic life-wave in its many forms, but, for me, the gold of the book is the introduction written by a man named E.L. Gardner. Edward Lewis Gardner was a member of the Theosophical Society in London and worked closely with that group most of his adult life. He wrote on subjects from Consciousness, to Group Work, to the Nature of the Soul. He used more of an esoteric eye when talking about the land and in his introduction he presents us with Hodson’s rare description of the sequence of the earliest stirrings within the seed. I’ve condensed it here into stages, but I encourage everyone listening to find a copy of the book and read this introduction for yourselves as it casts some beautiful light on exactly what is happening from an esoteric point of view.

In this progression, he is describing the process of bulbs growing in bowls of soil.

First – he notes that many microscopic etheric creatures move in and around the bulb. They look, visually, like tiny points of light which play around the stems and pass in and out of it. He says these points of light can rise to the current height of the plant, but no higher than that, and that they absorb something from the atmosphere which causes them to grow in size to be about 2 inches in diameter. Then, they fall back down and discharge this substance into the small body of the plant. In some cases, transparent tentacles extend from the plant, and through them, etheric matter is also absorbed. This process is repeated over and over and over, and after viewing this process for some time, Hodson came to the following 3 conclusions:

1. In the heart of every seed is a living center which contains the stored-up results of previous seasons.

2. Apparently, the awaking or stirring of the life within, in due season, produces sound.

3. The sound is heard throughout the elemental regions, and the appropriate builder answers the call to labor. Every type of growth, stem, shoot, leaf, flower – appears to have its own sound or note, to which the appropriate spirit or “builder” must respond. This sound also has a form-producing effect.

Of the “builders” he says that they correspond to particular vibrations, and that they arrive to work on the appropriate matter (that which corresponds to their vibration.) and in so doing change the free material into specialized material – discharging it atom by atom, to the cell from which the sound is being uttered.

As this is happening, the vibrating center of the plant acts as a magnet and draws the newly arrived material to its appropriate position within that cell. Once it reaches it limit of expansion, it divides, creating a new cell, and the process repeats itself again. As the plant progresses, new builders arrive to discharge their tasks, until the plant reaches its full growth. At this point, the full “sound” of the plant is sent out. We cannot hear the sound, but it presents itself in scent.

There is so much more to this description but perhaps even this small amount will change how we see the coming of Spring this year.

There is another aspect to life on earth which informs the journey of all growing things on the planet – humans, animals and plants alike. The earth has a constant resonant electrical field – its frequency is 7.83 hz. This is an electrical charge which is refueled daily by a common occurrence taking place all over the planet. Lightning. Lightning hits the earth at the rate of around 40 to 50 strikes per second, and with each electrical discharge a field of energy is fed which really never dies out. This is the energetic field which all living things live within. As it turns out, the human body resonates to about the same frequency. In other words, the frequency of the earth is just perfect for human growth.

Natural spaces hold this frequency consistently and it’s there for the taking. Cities mostly cancel this frequency out with the abundance of electronic signals which is why it is so important for humans to stay connected to the land. The Native peoples might say that we wear our local land like a skin. We must ask ourselves what kind of skin we want to carry around with us.

So, our first step is to continue to strengthen our powers of observation and perception so we can better reach the awareness in the land. Our second, is to attempt to be a friend to the land. Approach it with 7 Generations in mind, as well as the intent to share evolution between our kingdoms. This is possible and has already happened. We are well on our way, but need more of the human kingdom to do their part. Do you have a piece of land – large or small it doesn’t matter. If you haven’t already, begin your conscious walk with it. Like our triangles work, each bit of land, consciously worked and respected, will, over time, evolve and settle in with a higher, finer energy. That energy will merge with the energy of other bits of land which are also being worked. As this process spreads around the globe, the earth will be regenerated.

The wonderful introduction to Geoffrey Hodsons book ends with these sentences.

“As we cease to ignore the activities of the devas and nature-spirits, and recognize their partial dependence on human mentality - and the amazing response forthcoming when recognition is given - we shall find many of our

difficulties and problems solved for us, and the world far more wonderful than anything we have yet conceived.”