The Speculative Story of the Birth of a Life Form from a Geometric Perspective

This is a story about the birth of a life in form.

  • The first unit of life appears in time and space and through a process of division the one becomes two and from primal unity duality is created.
  • This second unit of life then travels out to a point some distance from the first and through this we have a linear relationship between them.
  • through this relationship and the tension between the units there comes into being two spheres or circles of influence measured by the radius of the distance between them

  • These two circles intersect in two places above and below the horizontal created by their relationship establishing the primary 4 directions in space.
  • Above , Below , Side to Side. The vertical and horizontal lines intersect in the centre of the common space between the two lives and their circular worlds. From this centre they create a third circle or world in the Vesica interspace between them.
  • They seek a relationship that is not oppositional but transcendent and outside the sphere of their limited life.
  • Thus they connect with each other at the furthest known intersection points above and below the horizon at the outer limits of their two worlds. In so doing they establish two equilateral triangles, equal but opposite.
  • Through the creation of this third circle two more lives, are borne where this circle’s perimeter intersects with the vertical axis. they being the children of the initial duality.
  • This third ‘family’ circle is important later on in the process as a new the birth Consciousness**,
  • so from 1 there comes 2 and from 2 , 3 and 4.
  • The same process of growth and tension is lived out by these two lives as initially by their parents.
  • Thus a 4 fold figure or organism is now created with 4 intersecting circles around the common third circle. and 4 intersecting triangular relationships . Time passes and this organism goes through a crisis or crises, due to the tension growing between the opposite pairs of lives under the Law of Cycles.

  • Thus these lives extend their awareness beyond the limits of the family circle into the unknown areas of their common world. In time these triangular relationships develop and mature allowing all 4 lives to find the common centre of each triangle through a series of intersecting lines or relationships.
  • These 4 mutual centres become magnetic and the 4 lives are drawn away from the perimeter of their family circle towards these new centres of inter - est. Their duality is relinquished in favour of a kind of integrated unity in the centre of each of these 4 triangles. Therefore we can establish a new inner circle which is the essence of the combined energies of these evolving lives. (figs 14 - 16)
  • 4 new centres of life are established. At this stage they are developing unique qualities of the 4 elements, Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Although there is integration and more awareness for these four lives they are still in opposition to each other and over time perhaps passing though another cycle or many cycles of crisis and tension these 4 lives seek a union within a common centre, coming into harmony, comm-union.

  • In this way the 4 triangles move towards each other into the Centre. When this intersection and alignment is complete then we have the birth of the 12 pointed star with an inner Circle of Life, qualified by the element of Ether, at the common centre enclosed by a 12 sided polygon and a 4 sided square formed by the geometry of the star. (figs 17 -19)

Note the symbolism of this inner etheric circle (fig 20) or sphere which exists inside the matrix of the star and has the distilled potency of all that has gone before. If we view these relationships in the context of the New Age symbol and the Triangles symbol we have thus established the large Sirian cross where the 4 original circles intersected forming the 4 primary directions and if we highlight the upright triangle of Fire (fig 23) out of the 12 pointed star we have the representation of the yellow triangle of Hierarchy in its correct location within the New Age Symbol and this star could also represent the Zodiacal map of the Constellations.

  • We can draw diagonal lines between the outer points of the Sirian cross forming a diamond within which all Life in this system ‘Live and Moves and has its Being’ and we can represent this with a new central circle which tangentially touching the edges of this diamond or ‘Ring - Pass - Not’ of the system informed by the Planetary Logos. (fig 22)

This is the blueprint of the disc of Shamballa and encompasses the Will of that Life.

  • At this point in the animation I have highlighted 3 radiating centres at the corners of the triangle the 3 great lives which we are told are supporting the World Teacher in his work with our planet at this time. They are; at the top the Avatar of Synthesis, the lower right point, the Spirit of Peace and at the bottom left corner the Buddha.
  • Now expands the golden disc of Shamballa and within the third ‘family’ circle** referred to above, in the primal Vesica from which all this Life flowed, this is the sphere in which the Christ Consciousness is born.
  • In geometric terms this means the creation of a new 5 sided polygon circumscribed within this circle from which the pentacle star is then generated. There is therefore created through the intersection of the 5 vertices of this star a common space at the centre of the system relating to all the geometric forms. (fig 24)
  • We then draw a new circle inscribed within this inner pentagonal space, this establishes the location of the small white star of Discipleship for the Aquarian Age right at the heart of the mandala. We can now introduce the full Triangles symbol into the larger symbol, i.e. within the inner etheric circle of Life of the outer 12 pointed star is born the intermediate star, which is half its size and this process is repeated to create the inner 12 pointed star forming a 3 fold symbol encompassing Light, Love and the Will to Good in its trinity. This halving of size gives a ‘geometric’ series of numbers, 2, 4, 8, 16 etc. (figs 26 - 28)
  • So we have this harmonised set of interdependent geometrical forms ‘nested’ one inside the other with some forms interpenetrating and/or overlapping each other. Establishing the essential interdependence of the Triangles symbol with the New Age symbol.


Returning to the subject of my last talk which was about the relationships of the inner circles within the centre of each of the 3 nested stars and the large Sirian cross.

If we now consider the vertical axis of the Cross as a Monochord (see sheet 5), i.e. a musical instrument that has one string strung along its length following the Pythagorean tradition. We can divide up the length of the vertical axis as the ‘string’ into various lengths to shorten the frequency of the notes to create musical intervals and thereby assign audial characteristics to the different proportions of the circles which run along its length. I used my guitar E string to do this which is less than perfect but should still give us a reasonable approximation of the correct note values.

Tabulated below are the intervals I found in doing this experiment:

INNER - No. of circle = 12, diameter = 4 ; 1/12 = F sharp, 11/12 = F sharp *

INTERMEDIATE - No. of circle = 5, diameter = 2 ; 1/5 = C, 4/5 = A flat

OUTER - No. of circle = 3, diameter = 1 ; 1/3 = C sharp*, 2/3 = B *

I have used the notes of the outer and inner circles*, F sharp, B and C sharp in a rhythmic musical accompaniment to a song I wrote that goes along with this animation. I hope this adds a more synthetic and intuitive perspective to this exploration.
