The Will-to-Express

The Will-to-Express

                                                                                    Christina Kosmadaki

Three days ago, we entered in the last of the 12 zodiacal signs, Pisces. Ahead of us is the time of Spring and of the major spiritual Festivals at the beginning of the new spiritual year. Behind us is the sign of Aquarius that just came to an end. And, this might be true from our everyday perception in the three worlds. From another perspective as a greater whole, however, we are travelling in a reversed way. According to the greater zodiac divided in periods of thousands of years it is the Piscean era that we are leaving behind having entered the Aquarian age which is on its way – even if not completely with us at the moment. 

And, here I would like to mention a quote by the great intuitive poet R.M. Rilke “The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens. As people used to be wrong about the motion of the sun, so they are still wrong about the motion of the future. The future stands still, it is we who move in infinite space.”

This overlapping of two great cycles or time periods might be graphically depicted by the symbol of Vesica Piscis (Pisces): a geometrical shape formed by the intersection of two discs with the same radius, in such a way that the center of each disk lies on the perimeter of the other. This brings the image of a lens (or magnifying glass), within which an equilateral triangle can be formed. Pythagoras (600 BC) is considered to be the first to draw this symbol - related with the mysterious number 153 – expressing the universal truth of the triad/soul. (Its Latin name is “bladder of a fish” and in Italian the shape’s name in mandorla /almond; almond being known as an Hebraic symbol of the revealer). Down the ages it has be considered as a creative center, a sacred chalice and has inspired artworks in many fields of human endeavor. In ecclesiastical iconography within it is often Christ or Virgin Mary depicted. In short, it conveys the idea of a dynamic potential, and in Eastern iconography it is this same shape appearing in the form of the 3rd eye on the forefront of the face above the eyebrows – the all-seeing eye within a triangle.

For more information and pictures, two links: &

Looking in, and through, the lens of these converging time-cycles, we may see how they blend and fuse and how their mutual embrace, overlapping and interaction produces a high spiritual potency and vibratory power recognizable as a great planetary crisis in the process of a significant transition.  At its heart, however, the form of the equilateral triangle becomes more evident, clear and radiant, as the eternal symbol of the one Soul carrying the “living waters” and bringing “life more abundant’ with the passing of time. 

This transitory period is hastened by the incoming of the 7th ray which is said to be «of the greater activity when coinciding with the Sun being in the sign of Aquarius” – and Uranus (7th-1st) is ruling– what is now astronomically the case. This is the ray of Ceremonial Rhythm, Order and Ritual, Magic and Organization. Its plane of manifestation is the 7th or physical plane hence its effects are evident nowadays in the world, producing disorder and destruction of forms but leading ultimately to a more complete fusion and a higher synthesis. The power or will of God expresses itself through the organized systematized processes of the seventh ray being the expression of the same potency under another aspect. This is “another reason for its appearance at this time” as “the seventh ray is one of the direct lines along which the first ray energy can travel”.  In this relation the one universal life is apparent as postulated in the occult statement: “matter is spirit at its lowest point and spirit is matter at its highest”. This 7th ray affects most dynamically the mineral kingdom as it displays “the most perfect material (and major) expression of the geometrical faculty of the Universal Mind.” 

Not of surprise then that a keynote for the Ray VII is —The will to express (EA). Also, THE EXPRESSION OF THE WILL is given as one of the names by whom this 7th Ray Lord is known (EP I). As further noticed, to draw our attention and interest, “the work of the future can be seen from a study of these names”, and “their meaning is of prime significance today”.

Of the several definitions given in the dictionary for the word “express” of interest is that deriving from the Latin “exprimere” (out of the first/prime-re?) meaning to "represent, describe, portray, imitate, translate" and the word “expressare” – “to subject to pressure so as to extract something”, to “press out or squeeze, push, hold fast, cover, compress”. Via an intermediary such as clay, etc., that under pressure takes the form of an image," it came up to mean "represent in visual arts; put into words; speak one’s mind” and so on. Further, as adverb, it means “clearly made known, stated explicitly, articulated precisely”, “specially on purpose”, “directly, firmly”. 

All the above brings in the foreground the realization that “Speech is the most occult manifestation in existence; it is the means of creation and the vehicle for force”. “Speech is one of the greatest instruments for practical development lying in the hands of small and great” and “in the utilization of words, justly chosen and spoken, lies the distribution of the love force of the solar system”.  Taurus is the ruling sign of the region wherefrom “must emanate the creative activity of the man who is upon the path.” It’s to the throat center that the energy of the sacral center must be lifted so that creation takes place through love and by the will. “Directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature” is the method which transforms the disciple into a wise cooperator with the Plan. For “as man translates his ideals into words and acts, he brings about transformation, transmutation and eventually translation upon the mountain top of Initiation.”

Speech is “a great magical force” that produces objective manifestation, for "Things are that which the Word makes them in naming them."  Hereby, “Self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech” can build a brilliant triangle of great transformational potency of which it might be said, similar to faith, can “move mountains”.  

Most of that, may be “easier said than done” – yet this is also the whole point. Of how the “living waters” of Aquarius can impregnate minds and hearts, precipitating the new ideas from the “raincloud of knowable things” (of Patanjali) which can still “thirsty men” and meet their real needs – expressed as new ideals, culture and right human relations and impressed upon human consciousness. It sounds kind of surreal that the human family counting today circa 7.5 billion, has a feeling of abandonment, separation and aloneness -searching for life on other planets (!) - rather than recognizing the interconnectedness, all-oneness and unity of all lifeforms, the one heart-beat of the planet encompassing all kingdoms in nature.  

Words are these “little things” that are perhaps crying for our closer attention, clear oriented intention and higher spiritual tension to become alive; to convey and ultimately reveal their inner truth – symbolically to become “flesh”. By giving new meaning and renewed impetus to our words – spoken or silently – in meditation as in our daily life and service activity we are drastically giving a hand to the transformation of the spiritual climate of the planet for “we most truly make our climate in one significant sense.” WM 

Then we might be touched anew, and even overwhelmed, by the simplicity and beauty of the truth hidden in the old phrase: “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind - Romans 12:2”. For it is always after the clouds are dispersed and the sun is shining bright that a radiant rainbow may make its majestic appearance above the horizon.