Triangles, the Basic Structure of the Universe

Science has confirmed that the triangle is the basic structure, the foundation, underlying all manifestation. 

Manifestation is related to the material world, to all that is seen in the whole universe. 

The ageless wisdom teachings state that the science of Triangles is also one of the most important parts of the esoteric sciences.  The work of triangles causes inevitable transformation on the physical, emotional and mental field of energies around the whole planet, because it is the most important factor for balancing and harmonizing energies.  

We are told that humanity is leaving the age of Pisces, characterized by religion and belief, and moving into the Aquarian age, characterized by science, and knowledge. The source of all scientific hypotheses is in the field of thought, thought precedes all processes for empirical experimentation.

Thought substance is light, the group that builds the lighted triangle web, thinks and invokes together, and reflects from ‘above’ a greater amount of light that benefits the whole web and, in turn, the whole planet.

Let us think and reflect together as to the reason why the Triangles work is so important and why it is the basis of all manifestation. It is known that the form, or the material world is represented by a square, a symbol of all that is physical and concrete, while the triangle is the symbol of what is spiritual. On the other hand, the triangle also represents manifestation and it is, in fact, the origin of the square. How is this worked out?

When three lines of energy are put together, they form three angles of 60 degrees each, and thus an equilateral triangle is formed. When the three angles are activated and operating synchronistically, when each angle is vibrating in unison, each angle expands its activity, growing in size, and its radiation reaches the centre of the triangle. When this happens, there is generated an interlacing of energies and a meeting point is created at the centre of the triangle, a point of synthesis. The meeting point is the sum of the three angles, interlacing and creating a fourth point, which is the result of the union of the three. Then we have the original 3 points of the triangle plus the one point of synthesis = 4 (the form).  Thus the 4 is the number of form, or manifestation, but it is also a result of a previous form, the triangle, that stands ‘behind’ it. It is a very simple mathematical situation, the 4 contains the 3, the 3 contain the 2 and finally, the 2 contains the 1. 

The number 1, or the first number, illustrates the non-material world. The world’s religions have given many different names to that which is unmanifest,  unknowable, and the absolute - and one of these names is God.  God is said to be the Beginning and the Ending, the Alpha and the Omega, the purpose of it All.  As the bible says: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God”.The same can be said of the number 1: “And in the beginning it was 1”. The number 1 also represents synthesis, it is the origin of all others numbers, and it is contained in all of them. 

Science has proved, as a manifest fact, that which was taught by the ancient religious and philosophic systems, that the basis of the entire manifested world is a triangular structure. The difference between the manifestation of the triangle (3) and the  square (4), is that the triangle  is an initiating form, and is related to the immaterial realms, the subtle and unseen forms, while the number 4 represents the physical: the concrete triangle that is objective. 

As an exercise, let us stretch our imagination by attempting to imagine something unimaginable; for example that the 1, God, the origin of all, for a purpose inconceivable to us, wants to manifest Himself, and breathe out from His own substance, projecting Himself ‘out there’ (God the 1). And, in so doing, He creates a version of Himself, and the number 2, which is also Him, appears. 1+1= 2. The number 2, is His other Self. Now, there is Him (1), His other self (1), and the link between the two, that is also Himself (1), and so 1+1+1=3. 

We just saw that the union of the three aspects of the initiating triangle, resulted in the number 4, the point at the centre of the triangle. At this point, His triangle is still dwelling in an unmanifest world but then, again, for His purpose unknown to man, chooses to manifest in the concrete worlds. Then, He projects himself out, through  the central point of the triangle, which functions as an entryway into the material worlds, and creates the seven streams of energies which come into manifestation. When the energies originated in the one and the three were breathed out, the physical world was created and the number 1 is found contained in all numbers and which originated from it.  The dense world is symbolized by the sum of 3+4 =7. 

There is an inner triangle (divinity), an outer triangle (physical plane), and a linking Triangle in between the two (man). The three triangles together form the number 9. the number of completion or initiation. 

All of our reflections thus far have been related to the process of manifestation, a point, that lies long, long ago, when the worlds were created. Now the process is going on in a reversed way and God’s creation is returning back to its originating source  and the human kingdom - created in the image of God (the initial triangle) – is in process of illuminating His whole body in manifestation. 

Religion has taught that God has created the worlds, and that he is One, but that He is also in man, and that He is Three at the same time: God the father (1), God the Son (2),  God the Holy Spirit (3).  As seen before, when three aspects come together, the result is the 4. 

The number 4 – the form, the man - is God Himself, seen in a concrete manifested world. When man resolves the 4 energies that comprise his instrument, into 3, bisecting the square, he is himself, the inner three, the outer three, and also the linking three (which makes the nine). He becomes the triangle divine in form, and is ready to fulfil the purpose for which he was created: the service upon the square, the illumination of form.

Looking back through human history, in all religions we can find, several trinities, all of them implying the unbreakable relation between God and Man, God and form,  the triangle and the square, the relationship between the 3 and the 4. 

Some of the many trinities are: 

Hinduism: Shiva + Vishnu + Bhrama = God/man 

Christianity: Father + Son + Holy Spirit =God/man   

Egypt: Osiris + Horus + Isis = God/man 

The ageless wisdom teachings
1st aspect + 2nd  aspect + 3rd aspect God/man
Life + quality + appearance = God/man
Will + love + light = God/man
Spirit + soul + body = God/man
Personality + Soul + Monad = God/man 
Mental, emotional, physical = God/man

Other trinities, producing manifestation

Father + Mother + Son = (family)
Father + love + mother= (child)
The knower - the field of knowledge - the Known =God/man
The observer – the observed – the field of observation = God/man
The nucleus – the electrons – the protons = (atom)
Movement – balance - Inertia = (force)
Gas – liquid – solid = (states of substance) 

The keynote of the sign of Virgo also contains the truth behind the saying: ‘As above, so below’, ‘As in the greater, so in the lesser’, or the ‘the macrocosm reproduces the microcosm’. In Virgo the soul says: “I am the mother and the child, I God, I matter am”. Pisces, Virgo’s opposite, indicates the ending of the evolutionary process, as man returns back to his initial triangle. “I leave the Father’s home and turning back I save” 

The human being returns back to his original state of existence, and ‘within the square serves his fellowman’. Triangle is also one of the names of the soul. The Soul is the second, or love aspect of all manifestation, so it is the soul itself – the Triangle divine - that redeems all squared forms. 

The energies in the square produce a clashing between the polarities within oneself, seeing others as distinct from the self, and as opposing oneself. This is part of the illusion of the manifested world. When Man, God himself, dwelling in form, becomes himself the triangle divine, he is then able to harmonize all crashing energies on the planet, organizing them in an equilateral triangle formation. 

When the work is done, all the energies of the square return back to their initial triangular formation and the work of God--the higher triangle, the physical body of God Himself--is made sacred. All human beings can help in this process of illumination by forming triangles and inspiring others to do the same. When a person forms a triangle with two other people, it helps the circulation of spiritual energies. When the members of the triangle thus formed sound the Great Invocation, the whole web infuses the planet Earth with light, love and power. Doing so, the body of God is illumined and made sacred. 

                                                                                    Maria Cristina Amaral