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The following talk was given in the Triangles webinar on September 24, 2018:

We have an opportunity now to work together, on this day of safe-guarding, the day of the Libra full moon, and to distribute the contacted energies through the  medium of the Triangles network  As we  approach the exact time of the full moon, let’s work together to cultivate an inner silence and, in turn, a closer connection with the inner ashrams, making our tiny offerings to these clear pools which  provide refuge and inspiration to many.

Let us prepare for our work together, in the same manner by which we prepare for our daily Triangles work -- by withdrawing deep within ourselves, lifting our consciousness and focusing it upon the plane of mind,  and then calling in the light of the higher self, the soul, knowing ourselves to be a fragment of that one soul.  Then as we sound the mantram we can visualize a release of the downpouring forces, directing them through the group of all Triangles workers everywhere.

In the ageless wisdom teachings we learn there are seven paths that face all who have reached a high degree of attainment.  At that time a choice has to be made.  There are six paths that lead the individual away from all he has known, away from even the Earth itself.  There is one path, the first path, called the Path of Earth Service, that keeps the individual here on Earth, to serve but with new capabilities. And because we who are somewhat conscious of the subjective realities are aiding Those on this Path, we naturally know a little more about this path than any of the other six.  

Libra is said to govern the Path of Earth Service.  This would seem to imply that this energy of Libra would have a strong impact on the Hierarchy itself, the middle or planetary heart center, particularly in its function as a bridging agent towards the highest center Shamballa.  Libra also governs the “way into Shamballa” -- again, surely a function which assists those on this Path of Earth service.

The keynote of this Path of Earth Service is “wise-compassion.” This wise-compassion is very similar to the name for the second ray—The Ray of Love-Wisdom but it is interesting to note here that the qualities are reversed and the “wise” or wisdom aspect comes first.  Perhaps this is an indication that what we need more of on this planet is wisdom, which is akin to the occult rather than the mystical path—we need knowledge and mental control.  Wisdom is in and of itself a bridging quality, partaking of both Hierarchy and Shamballa.  That is why the Wesak Festival is so important and so potent for at that time humanity participates in receiving this stimulation from Shamballa and surely those following this Path of Earth Service are likewise helping humanity to develop this quality for they themselves have already done so long ago.   

Today with all the suffering and pain on all sides surely we are being given many opportunities to practice and live compassionately.  But to do so wisely is also necessary.  One way we can do this is by learning to serve in subtle ways which can lead to a broader way of serving, following those practices that can enable us to serve the “greatest good of the greatest number.”  Today the world is increasingly concerned with efficiency, with making the most of the seemingly little time we have, and these unfoldments within the world of effects also have their inner parallels.  The Triangles work provides us with the opportunity for planetary service.  Everyone wants to serve and Triangles gives us the opportunity to do so effectively and broadly.

Compassion is one of the three higher states of the feeling nature, as taught by Patanjali.  Compassion is the third aspect of the three and works out upon the physical plane.  Alice Bailey said that the means to work effectively with this quality of compassion was by calling upon the love, or second aspect of the soul, the love petals of the egoic lotus, and through that means to become open to the hearts of others and indeed become one with them.  This is wise action.  It is not working with others on the plane of feeling for on that level that they will be unlikely to hear. Then over time, with faith in the response, change can be realized through soul stimulation. Of course this is not meant to concern turning a blind eye or a deaf ear to the feelings of others but sometimes approaching certain situations with the attitude of “tough love” is not a bad idea.  And Alice Bailey said she learned that sometimes we have to leave certain people to God. 

The quality of wisdom that flows in under Libra is bolstered by the constellation of Draco that overshadows at this time--the constellation of the dragon.  And perhaps one of the means of coming to a deepened understanding of what this might possibly mean is by pondering the symbol of this Path of Earth Service as given by the Tibetan:

A green dragon issuing from the centre of a blazing sun.  Behind the sun and over-topping it can be seen two pillars on either side of a closed door.

We note therefore that the overshadowing dragon issues forth as emerging from the sun, not behind the pillars as indicated by Draco’s overshadowing. So, in effect, the energies pouring through the sun are an effect of the Draco influence that pours into our hierarchical life.  And it is said that part of the training undergone by the Masters who choose this path is to wrestle and overcome a dragon.  And we, in our faint lives of correspondence have probably all found ourselves fighting our dragons in one way or another and the Group of World Servers is certainly charged with this battle on a large scale.

The qualities that work out upon this path of Earth Service result in luminosity through the ability to “let our light shine forth.”  These are the injunctions to be followed and, again, it is not the teachers who have to demonstrate these qualities for they already possess them in abundance; but it is rather we who follow in their footsteps who must increasingly release these qualities from the depth of our own soul contact.  And one helpful paraphrased passage from the teachings can aid us in expressing these qualities – we serve best by turning away from our own lower self and focusing instead upon stimulating the Self in others.

Kathy Newburn