New Moon Meeting

Meditation is the primary form of service for those following a spiritual path. It is a means of cooperation and alignment with hierarchical intent. The new moon period follows upon the cycle of outbreathing in the rhythmic cycles of the breath; it is a time of pause wherein together we can establish a soul-mind-brain alignment.  During this period we work in thought to concretize the ideas and impressions received at the time of the full moon period and undertake the sometimes difficult process of translating them into practical plans that can be of service in the world. The effect of this meditative effort is to enhance the many ways in which the “power of the one Life” and the “love of the one soul” are working out through all true servers everywhere. The meeting will be held in the library of our offices at 120 Wall St., 24th floor; it will include a brief talk on the theme Improving Labor Conditions in the World, group discussion and meditation. Please call or email us prior to the meeting.  We can also register you automatically for each meeting if you let us know of your interest.

Theme: Improving Labor Conditions in the World

“The need for cheap labor, combined with the desperation of the world’s very poor in  a crowded planet, and with rising mobility, creates a whole class of people desperate for any income — even if it is only a pittance from an exploitative employer or a meagre sum gained from selling their bodies.”  (Chandran Nair)

The responsibility for the widespread misery to be found today in every country in the world lies predominantly at the door of certain major interrelated groups of business men, bankers, executives of international cartels, monopolies, trusts and organizations and directors of huge corperations who work for corporate or personal gain.  (Problems of Humanity, page 71)

Current events around the world indicate mobilization for positive change. This is generating energies and forces which must be carefully and intelligently handled. We can contribute effectively to these efforts by thinking through into greater clarity the underlying principles substanding the outer events. Our discussion this evening is meant to aid in this overall effort, and we welcome your directed thoughts and suggestions.

Questions for reflection and discussion:: It is becoming clear, the world over, that certain initiatives and activities will foster improvement of labor conditions. What evidence, in the world today, indicates that progress is being made?

Suggested Readings:

The Problems of Humanity, Chapter Three, “The Problems of Capital, Labour and Employment”

“The Developed World Is Missing the Point About Modern Slavery” Time Magazine, Chandran Nair

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2017

“How to make factory conditions better” MIT News, Peter Dizikes

The meeting will be held in the library of our offices at 120 Wall St., 24th floor, New York; it will include a brief talk on the them”, group discussion and meditation.. Please call or email us prior to the meeting. We can also register you automatically for each meeting if you let us know of your interest.  Meetings start at 6 pm and the door will be closed at 6:15 pm.




Встречи Люцис Траст


Вторник 16 Январь 2018 06:00 PM

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