March 2023

In Adversity, Strength

“It is worth remembering that the time of greatest gain in terms of wisdom and inner strength is often that of greatest difficulty.” Hence, the expression “strength through testing”. Testing and training of the body brings physical strength; emotional strength develops through the steady detached and harmonising rhythm of the soul.

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In Alignment, Inspiration

It is to counteract this energetic depletion and imbalance that quiet reflection is sought. In this way, one can regain more control, connecting more closely to his or her intended course and individual spiritual alignment.

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The Planetary Network

The Worldwide Network of Servers is located throughout the world. They are servers whose activities are inspired by the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom based on the books of Alice Bailey.

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The Three Spiritual Festivals

The sun’s symbolic passage through the signs of the zodiac brings into focus the subtle energies they represent, and this tracks the progress of the spiritual year.

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