The Planetary Network - September 2018

The planetary network of light, love and service is transforming the mental climate of the planet, reorientating humanity to spiritual attitudes and values. The groups and activities reported in the Bulletin reflect different aspects of the network.

Cycle of Conferences

The Will-to-Good of the world knowers
is the magnetic seed of the future

The Cycle of Conferences project, an initiative of World Goodwill, is a global meditation group. Its aim is to help develop the right spiritual atmosphere in which world conferences essential to the spiritual progress of the human family depend.

Since 2010, the Cycle of Conferences has focused on a number of global initiatives to help bring about a lighted energy field in which the will-to-good can find anchorage and expression. Using the power of focused thought, the group works with the energy of the divine will and its direction as the will-to-good in preparation for a selected conference, to construct the right spiritual environment. During the conference period, the group projects a lighted seed of ‘will energy’, developing it into a pulsating heart centre radiating the light, love and power of the Great Invocation throughout the event and its participants. This lighted seed can then be vitalised throughout the conference period.

To date the Cycle of Conferences has focused on around twenty five global conferences and initiatives, such as: the World Economic Forums in Davos, the 2015 Climate Change Conference in Paris, the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development, the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants and the Leaders' Summit on the Global Refugee Crisis, and the Millennium Development Goals Summit, to name but a few.

The Cycle of Conferences brings together group meditation, a developing group consciousness, and a growing awareness of the real challenges facing the human race at this time, in one integrated initiative. World Goodwill writes:

“We hope that this group service will be of interest to you as a means of empowering the trend towards group consciousness. It is also a way for each of us to learn more about the Problems of Humanity in the modern world and contribute to the thoughtform of their solution. Despite the new problems that face us all, fundamentally, they all share the same roots of separativeness, materialism, desire and greed that have plagued humanity down the ages. Through the pain engendered by this wrong orientation, humanity is now collectively turning round to face the spiritual kingdoms of nature and tentatively taking the first steps on the path of light that leads towards them. The present cycle of conferences provides the opportunity to spiritually empower this process.”

For further details, please contact World Goodwill.