Upholding our Shared Humanity

12 marzo 2024

Upholding our shared humanity and bridging existing divides requires ongoing effort, patience, and commitment from individuals, communities, and institutions. By undertaking such endeavors, we contribute to the working out of the universal ideas of the Plan, which takes place as humanity responds to higher impressions of the wholeness and sacredness of life and strives to intelligently embody these insights in all areas of thought, activity and relationship – namely economic, political, educational, legal, psychological, religious and so on This in turn, enables an environment which embraces our shared humanity, both individually and collectively, to foster understanding and promote collaboration to work towards a more united and inclusive world – a world where everyone feels accepted, valued, connected, and supported in pursuit of their self-chosen contribution to the whole.

“The point to be grasped is that through humanity on the physical plane, the nature of reality will be revealed; the true and the beautiful will be manifested; the divine plan will eventually work out, and that energy be transmitted to all forms in nature which will enable the inner spiritual reality to emerge.”
