
Видео программ Люцис Продакшнз о Великом Призыве, Треугольниках, Всемирном Дне Призыва, Празднике Весак и других.

Интуиция и совместное лидерство

Презентация Марка Герзона, основателя и президента Фонда посредников.

Работа с ангелами: строительство общины в цифровом веке

A presentation by Rev. Tom Ravetz, Priest of The Christian Community.

The Sustainable Development Goals: A Collective Call For The Will

Jimena Leiva Roesch,
Policy Analyst with the International Peace Institute.

The Tree of Music

Bette Stockbauer is Co-Director of the African Blackwood Conservation Project in Tanzania with an interest in African Anthropology/Sociology. In this 2016 Arcane School conference talk in New York, she discusses humanity’s role in redeeming and synthesising nature on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral through interplay with the lives that comprise them. She also discusses how the soul of the national tree of Tanzania is expressed through its utilisation in art and musical instruments.

Art and Time

A presentation by Anders Lidén, Artist/Honorary President of the International Association of Art

Escaping the Rings of Time

A talk given at the 2016 Arcane School Conference by Christine Morgan, President of the Lucis Trust

Towards an Age of Light - Video

Exploring humanity’s developing relationship with light

The Cosmic Magnet

A talk given at the Wesak Festival in Taurus – May 2015 – New York by Christine Morgan, President of the Lucis Trust

The Perceiver on the Way by Kathy Newburn

The Perceiver on the Way – Humanity, Discipleship and the Fourth Ray.  Reflections on the coming fourth ray cycle by Kathy Newburn

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