
Видео программ Люцис Продакшнз о Великом Призыве, Треугольниках, Всемирном Дне Призыва, Празднике Весак и других.

The Soul is Light. What Then is Light?

A presentation on Light, Space and Consciousness by Dr. James T Ryder

Дух отношений

Что от каждого требуется, так это "любящее намерение воспламенить весь мир "духом отношений", начиная с себя, своей семьи и ближайшей группы".


Produced in September 2015 this video introduces the service meditation practice of Triangles and features interviews with Triangles practitioners. 11:47.

New Group of World Servers - Video

Working in all the main fields of human activity and in all countries everywhere in the world, the New Group of World Servers acts as a synthesising factor within humanity and lays the foundations for right human relations and ultimate world unity.

Service a Law of the Soul - Part 3

Service is the spontaneous effect of soul contact. It is a soul urge, the outstanding characteristic of the soul.

Service a law of the soul Part 2 of 3

Service is the spontaneous effect of soul contact. It is a soul urge, the outstanding characteristic of the soul.

Service a law of the soul Part 1 of 3

Service is the spontaneous effect of soul contact. It is a soul urge, the outstanding characteristic of the soul.


Triangles is a world service activity whereby a network of light and goodwill covering the entire planet is created and maintained.


Медитативный фильм Альберта Фальзона с картинами космоса и музыкой.

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