Reflections on Maya

27 marzo 2023



The treading of the Path up to and including the stage of the Transfiguration of the personality by the soul, may be considered in terms of overcoming the four aspects of world glamour, which are Maya, Glamour, Illusion and the Dweller on the threshold—these are glamour on the etheric-physical, astral, mental and the energies and the forces of the sum total of all debits and credits of the integrated personality respectively. In all these conflicting conditionings, harmony lies in bringing about fusion between some energy from a higher plane than the plane on which the duality is sensed or experienced, this then unifies the duality and the conflict is resolved.


Through the Gate of the Equinox

20 marzo 2023



As viewed from earth, the Sun is now reaching a point in the sky, called “Equinox”. As human beings on this planet, we are not disconnected from this astronomical fact, this yearly crisis point. Some may object that it is an illusion, as it is the earth which moves around the sun, but this earthly realm is our present field of evolution, and we are immersed in this illusion caused by humanity’s past experiences. So it is from this viewpoint that the celestial influences must be considered. They are real for us, and come to us as different types of energy that we must learn to wield.


From Squares to Triangles: The Science of Etheric Structure or Substance

13 marzo 2023



There is a radical initiative being implemented on Earth, guided by those who are among the Spiritual Hierarchy and Shamballa, “Where the Will of God is Known,” who are tasked with this particular responsibility. But, for the first time in human history, humanity via the New Group of World Servers, is also now ready and able to join in this planetary effort and begin to add its share to this important redemptive work, on a significant scale. This work and service is called, “The Science of Triangles, or The Science of Etheric Structure and Substance.”


Triangles and the Birth and Growth of the Christ Consciousness

6 marzo 2023



When three people create a triangle together it becomes vivified and indwelt by the Christ consciousness through the trinity of three people. Our group work together then is a way of giving birth to the Christ life in the world. The shape of the triangle can be seen as an archway through which the Christ will reappear, and as more of humanity take the First Initiation, whether they know of this work or not the archway will have to expand to allow in the tide of the new life as it sweeps through, irresistibly, and irrevocably washing clean the old and revealing the new.
