Agni Yoga, Fiery World I Da Agni Yoga (Autore)

Agni Yoga, Fiery World I Da Agni Yoga (Autore)

Ur is the root of the Light of Fire. From time immemorial this Radiant Principle has attracted the hearts of many peoples.
Thus, from the covenants of the past let us transport ourselves into future attainments.

When you are asked about the second part of Fiery World, answer, "It will be given immediately, provided you keep in mind the affirmed valediction on the long journey and preserve joy and the resolution to hasten in spirit." Meanwhile collect the new findings that science is offering and observe how they are utilized. Do not forget that Agni is nourished by joy and courage and endurance. Thus, let us follow the path of the fiery consciousness.

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Agni Yoga, Fiery World I

Paperback: 424 pages

Dimensions: 6 x 4.9