Mary Bailey, A Learning Experience Книга Mary Bailey (автор)

Mary Bailey, A Learning Experience Книга Mary Bailey (автор)

An account of the joy and challenge of group discipleship in the modern age. Previously unpublished extracts from the Tibetan Master Djwahl Khul's first year of work with Alice Bailey are given, as well as a thoughtful summation by Mary Bailey of her thirty-three years of group work with the Arcane School and the Lucis Trust. For many of those years she served as President of the Trust on behalf of the work begun by Alice and Foster Bailey.

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$14.00 USD

£8.00 GBP

Параметры языка

Информация о товаре

paperback $14.00 USD £8.00 GBP


Параметры языка

ISBN-13: 978-0-853-30139-4

Подробнее об этом

A Learning Experience is an account of the joy and challenge of group discipleship in the modern age with its unique spiritual demands and requirements and its keynote of service in the Aquarian Age. Perhaps nothing else hones the skills and understanding of the aspiring disciple as the lessons learned in group service.

Previously unpublished extracts from the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul’s first year of work with Alice Bailey are given, as well as a thoughtful summation by Mary Bailey of her thirty-three years of group work with the Arcane School and the Lucis Trust. For many of those years she served as President on behalf of the work begun by Alice and Foster Bailey and A Learning Experience is Mary Bailey’s account of the growth of that work into discipleship service of international scope

Информация о товаре
Mary Bailey, A Learning Experience

Paperback: 256 pages

Dimensions:  7.5 x 4.8

ISBN-13: 978-0-853-30139-4