John Berges, Hidden Foundations of the Great Invocation Книга John Berges (автор)

John Berges, Hidden Foundations of the Great Invocation Книга John Berges (автор)

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After the publication of Sacred Vessel of the Mysteries, John Berges attended a conference where he heard a presentation about the mysterious Master Rakoczi who, during his life as Francis Bacon, used coding techniques similar to those in The Great Invocation. John began assembling evidence suggesting that the works of Shakespeare, Psalm 46, The Great Invocation, and a mysterious poem entitled "A Word from the Master" all originated from the same individual -- Master Rakoczi, who once lived as Francis Bacon and Count Saint Germain.

Hidden Foundations of the Great Invocation reveals how apparently disconnected events and writings are a recent part of the Plan involving everyone on our planet, a Plan designed to transform our world into a beacon of spiritual Light in our tiny corner of the galaxy.


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Информация о товаре

paperback $21.95 USD


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ISBN-13: 978-0-964-15493-3

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Информация о товаре
John Berges, Hidden Foundations of the Great Invocation

334 pages

Dimensions: 6 x 9

ISBN-13: 978-0-964-15493-3