Natalie Banks, The Golden Thread Книга Natalie Banks (автор)

Natalie Banks, The Golden Thread Книга Natalie Banks (автор)

The constant reappearance of the Ancient or Ageless Wisdom, that body of inner or esoteric teaching handed down from remote times in a form suitable to the period, has always attracted the minds of thoughtful people. Through its remarkable preservation and continuity it has been compared in symbol to a golden thread: a spiritual life-line waxing or waning in clarity and intensity from century to century.

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$8.00 USD

£4.50 GBP

Параметры языка

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paperback $8.00 USD £4.50 GBP EUR


Параметры языка

ISBN-13: 978-0-853-30129-5

Подробнее об этом

The constant reappearance of the Ancient or Ageless Wisdom, that body of inner or esoteric teaching handed down from remote times in a form suitable to the period has always attracted the minds of thoughtful people. Through its remarkable preservation and continuity it has been compared in symbol to a golden thread: a spiritual life-line waxing or waning in clarity and intensity from century to century.

In Grecian mythology, Ariadne gave a ball of golden thread to Theseus to be unwound as he travelled through the tortuously winding paths of the gloomy labyrinth of Crete into which he had been sent by the King, ostensibly as a sacrifice, but in reality to slay the Minotaur which dwelt at its centre. It was only by means of this gleaming thread held firmly throughout his terrifying journey that Theseus was able to return safely home out of the dark and tangled maze – after slaying the Minotaur.


Earth’s first contact with the essence of this inner wisdom is thought to have taken place millions of years ago before any kind of record was possible. As described within the annals of the Ageless Wisdom, the story of its inception and its development through many thousands of years is both instructive and inspiring and suggests the existence of both purpose and plan.

Информация о товаре
Natalie Banks, The Golden Thread

Paperback: 264 pages

Dimensions:  7.5 x 4.8

ISBN-13: 978-0-853-30129-5