Christ - the Nourisher of the Little Ones

As we move from the sign of Aquarius in to Pisces, the sign of the world saviour, the Christ and his role in the Aquarian Age becomes the focus. He will reappear and be recognised as ‘The Risen Christ’, ‘the Water-Carrier’ of Aquarius and the ‘Nourisher of the little ones’. His emphasis will be on the group, appearing as the supreme Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy and He will, we read, meet ‘the need of the thirsty nations of the world — thirsty for truth, for right human relations and for loving understanding’. 1

His Aquarian work, which will extend for 2000 years, will involve the stimulation of the light, love and power within humanity to bring forth the Christ consciousness latent within. He will stand as a constant presence within a triangle of these blended, impersonal energies transmitting them to humanity ‘producing evolutionary growth, attracting people and nations magnetically to each other and automatically causing the unfoldment of a sense of synthesis’2.

His role will also encompass the over-shadowing of the ‘little ones’, the name given to the disciples of Christ, those who are sensitive to His impression and His focused mind. He will stimulate the Life Aspect within them which comes about in three main ways, firstly through the nourishing of the cells of their bodies so that they can express His higher vibration. Secondly, the disciple’s daily life will manifest a greater demonstration of livingness, for they will not only act as agents for the love of God but gradually, stage by stage, as agents for the will of God. It will be their overriding will to manifest divinity that will bring about a transfiguration of their lower vehicles, and it will be their focus in group formation utilising the antahkarana, that will channel the higher spiritual energies into the three lower kingdoms to actively ‘save’, in the occult sense, the lesser lives. When this livingness is present and expressing itself in the life of the disciple, he becomes a part of the spiritual Hierarchy.

Finally, there will be a demonstration of Life more abundantly which will be known by the disciple through an awareness of light, love and power within and above the head which brings that ability to see and identify completely with the beauty of the emerging Plan as it manifests in the world, seeing that Plan in both the light and the darkness.  This abundant life enables cooperation with not only humanity and the spiritual Hierarchy, but also with Shamballa itself—the centre of life in its purest essence. It is the Shamballa force that will set loose in a new and dynamic manner the energies needed in order to bring about the new Age, one that will demonstrate the universality of life and will enable the Christ to complete His task as world Saviour and world Teacher.

Of course, the universality of life has always existed but it is heavily overlaid by the material desires of mankind. A thick crust of thoughtforms that veil and hide the inner realm of beauty and of meaning, of quality and of spiritual consciousness. This crust was first rent we read by the catastrophic conditions that the world wars created, that was an outcome of the Shamballa force newly released in the world. Such terrible conditions that left people at the close of the war feeling, the Tibetan tells us, ‘as if nothing had been left them and that they are destitute and denuded of all that made life worth living’, because they had become so dependent ‘upon the so-called high scale of living’3. This brings to mind the current situation that we are facing with the worldwide pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns that are making it difficult to pursue those things that many consider as essential to making life worth living. While the depravations being suffered are in no way comparable to that of war for the majority, the pandemic is causing a rising tide of depression and mental health challenges, certainly in Western countries. We are once again being brought to face, on a higher turn of the spiral, with our desire for a ‘high scale of living’. 

The Tibetan goes on to say that the attitudes of desolation left after the war would ‘serve as stepping stones to a new life and a better and more simple way of living’. And that the day will come, in the experience of humanity, when men will look back at the pre-war centuries and wonder at their blindness and be shocked at their selfish and materialistic past’4.  While much has been achieved since the wars on the levels of poverty and depravation in the world there is of course much more to be done and the rising inequality across the world is something that needs to be addressed. The pandemic is bringing this inequality to world attention and there are signs of an increasing awareness of the ‘selfish and materialistic’ ways of being that we were becoming increasingly accustomed to before the pandemic. This is stimulating a demand for change, the demand for a ‘Great Re-set’, a phrase adopted by the Davos Agenda.

The increasing Shamballa force working through the ‘little ones’ is bringing world adjustment. The difficulties and problems arising are due to humanity’s adjustment to a new relationship between the spiritual and material environment that is slowly emerging. It is a developing spiritual consciousness, a process that will see humanity having to continually face the nature of its desire life on higher and higher turns of the spiral, that will bring eventually, that purity of intention that will be the hallmark of the New Age. Christ’s energy is overshadowing the ‘little ones’ increasing the power of the new group of world servers, and is stimulating the heart of the human family encouraging a greater demand for goodwill and a striving for right human relations. We stand therefore on the threshold of a new era where, we read, men will be enabled ‘everywhere to sit down together in the Presence of the Christ and share the bread and wine’5(which are symbols of nourishment both material and spiritual). This sharing, beginning on the physical plane, will prove equally true of all human relations, and this will be the great gift of the Aquarian Age to humanity.

1 Destiny of Nations pg. 151
2 The Reappearance of the Christ pg. 84
3 Esoteric Astrology pg. 500
4 ibid
5 The Reappearance of the Christ pg. 80