The Etheric Lines of Communication

The etheric web has many functions and this can make is somewhat difficult to understand and define, at least in a concise way. This presentation will begin by giving a very basic overview of what the etheric body is, using numerology as a guide. Numbers are the basic symbol of all things; and being that all major energies meet and interact in the etheric body, this approach seems appropriate. The presentation will conclude with some thoughts about the etheric body as a medium and network of communication—this is particularly important for our Triangles work.

One. First and foremost: the etheric body of ALL is one. It is related to that great entity SPACE which occultism teaches is itself the one manifestation of an unknown entity. It is within SPACE that all primeval and cosmic evolution has its beginning and end. Similarly, the etheric body provides a single, coherent field of expression for a multitude of energies. It is diverse yet indivisible. The etheric body of every form within our planetary life is one with the etheric body of the planet itself, which in turn is one with the solar system, and so on. There is only one etheric body in existence.

Two. The etheric body is also a means of communication thus a medium for the Principle of Duality or Relationship. It relates all forms in manifestation each to the other. It also relates the higher to the lower, being a medium or the expression of all seven principles.

The etheric body is the subtle counterpart of the physical body and literally coheres the physical atoms together. The two are inseparable during incarnation—a beautiful symbol of the One Life manifesting through the basic duality, Spirit and Matter.

Three. The etheric body of our planet in its present cycle is currently a network of squares but is in process of becoming a network of Triangles—this is one of the preeminent goals of our Triangles work. A triangular network will be able to channel spiritual energies from a plane which is beyond all separation, and this aids the work of  initiating our planetary life into a new era of existence.

This transformation into a network of triangles is symbolic of the relationship of the three rays of aspect to the four rays of attribute—in other words, the transformation of the four of intelligent expression into the three of divine expression.

Four. The substance of the etheric body is fourfold, consisting of four grades of planetary prana. It is important to remember that though its substanceis composed of four grades it is the medium for the transfer, circulation, and interplay of many types of energy.

The fourfold nature of the substance of the etheric body has a direct correspondence to the four highest planes of consciousness which are also called the cosmic etheric planes. Eight is the number of the Christ perhaps because of the relationship that He, as the principle of relationship, establishes between the lower and higher four.

Five. Five is the basic number of the microcosm, with six being the macrocosm (the pentagon embedded within the six-pointed star is a symbol of the relationship between the two). The etheric body is the microcosmic expression (manifestation) of the One Reality, the Absolute which is the field of Absolute Consciousness in the macrocosmic sense. The etheric body is therefore closely related to the number 5.

Also, the fourfold division of the etheric body plus the etheric body itself makes 5. This same correspondence is expressed in the relationship of the four rays of attribute to the 3rdray of Active Intelligence which synthesizes them.

Seven. Divinity is a trinity, yet creation is sevenfold, composed of seven principles which in sum are the consciousness of deity itself. This can be visualized as a string of seven pearls hanging from the threefold godhead. This septenary division of life is reflected in the seven planes of manifestation, the seven-fold constitution of man, and also the seven etheric centers in the human body. The force currents of which the etheric body is composed all emanate from one or other of the seven planes or principles of the Solar life. Likewise, when the man or woman has completed the many cycles of human evolution, all seven principles are expressed perfectly through the seven etheric centers. 

The etheric body also represents the multitude of manifestation. It is a finite expression of the infinite— that boundless circle with “its circumference nowhere and its central point everywhere.” It is composed of numerous interlocking lines of force which are in constant and continual motion.  This creates a practical infinity of constantly moving (or evolving) major and minor centers where two or more streams of force meet and interact

Of these many functions, perhaps most important for our Triangles work is its role as a network of communication. We should keep in mind that communication, relationship, and spiritual transmission are almost synonymous; they all express that basic and fundamental interplay between two units of life which leads to the expression of unity and eventually at-onement.  To say that “All is consciousness—from the highest to the lowest,” means that there exists in fact a fundamental relationship between all things. It is the uncovering and conscious realization of this relationship which human evolution seeks to achieve.

To this end, the New Group of World Servers works. They are a group that has no outer organization, creed, or doctrine. The group is composed of all those who seek to manifest the spiritual ideas of the coming age. Their work can be described in terms of the establishing of unimpeded lines of communication between humanity and that which exists above it in the great Hierarchy of Being.

The Triangles project is part of the work of the New Group of World Servers, because it circulates the spiritual energies of light and goodwill throughout our planet establishing unimpeded lines of communication between numerous parts of the whole. The work is simultaneously upon the mental plane, where the soul (which is Light) resides, and the etheric plane wherein the energies of the soul interact with the energies of the physical, emotional, and concrete mental planes.

These etheric lines of communication underlie all human and planetary evolution—for these evolutions must work out on the physical plane wherein the etheric body is technically located. The soul incarnates to evolve and redeem the lesser lives through which it incarnates. This is an integral part of planetary evolution, which sees this process of redemption consummated. Separation will then be overcome and its wholeness fully realized. This all occurs through constant and continual communication, between the higher and lower, and between all the constituent parts of the whole.

The fact of the etheric body itself is a counterweight to the separateness, glamour, and illusion which are all generated by the unillumined human mind. The physical plane is a symbol of the profoundest separation, and this great illusion hangs as a veil over the entire human condition. The Etheric body overshadows the physical and literally coheres it into existence. It reminds us that there is ONE LIFE, one great consciousness evolving in time and space.

Michael Galloway, December 14, 2020