New Moon Meeting

The theme of the new moon meditations is strengthening the hands of the group of world servers.
The meeting will include a brief talk, discusson and meditation with the goal of clarifying group thinking about the solution to major world problems. 


Meditation is the primary form of service for those following a spiritual path. It is a means of cooperation and alignment with hierarchical intent. The new moon period follows upon the cycle of outbreathing in the rhythmic cycles of the breath; it is a time of pause wherein together we can establish a soul-mind-brain alignment.  During this period we work in thought to concretize the ideas and impressions received at the time of the full moon period and undertake the sometimes difficult process of translating them into practical plans that can be of service in the world. The effect of this meditative effort is to enhance the many ways in which the “power of the one Life” and the “love of the one soul” are working out through all true servers everywhere. The meeting will be held in the library of our offices at 120 Wall St., 24th floor and will include an exploration on the theme Community & Labor, followed by group discussion and meditation. Please call or email us if you will be attending, or contribute your thoughts prior to the meeting we will share them with the group when possible.


Theme: Community & Labor

This meeting will continue to explore the idea of community with an emphasis on capital and labor. Technological innovations and globalization have shifted employment possibilities, job markets are in flux, and a full-time working parent in the US may be unable to keep a family above the poverty line.  We will explore the role of community in relation to these changing labor markets.  One possible idea which will be explored is the proposal for a guaranteed wage to address the current economic shifts related to labor and how this may affect communities. This idea is introduced in the brief articles listed below.

“…there will be the steadily growing problem of the release of man power from the grueling labor and the long hours today required in order to provide a living wage and the necessities of life. One is the problem of capital and the other is the problem of labor; one is the problem of established control of the purely selfish interests which have for so long controlled the life of humanity and the other is the problem of leisure and its constructive use. One problem concerns civilization and its correct functioning in the new age and the other concerns culture and the employment of time along creative lines.”  Alice Bailey, Problems of Humanity, p. 66

9. “… Labor must be voluntary. Cooperation must be voluntary. Community must be voluntary. Labor must not be enslaved by force. The condition of voluntary agreement must be laid into the foundation of advancement.”
13. “The concept of justice proves itself upon the foundation of labor. Likewise courage grows easily in the vouching for each other. Indeed, all as one, yet each one contributing his own best aptitude. Let us not destroy, but let us bring forth the warmth of the heart.”  
New Era Community


Questions for reflection and discussion:
How can communities organize to maximize the benefits of capital and labor, support the constructive use of free time, and encourage creative living for the greater good?

On the Canadian Prairie: A Basic Income Experiment:

Moving Towards a Universal Basic Income:

Listen to a Live broadcast of the Meeting


Réunions Lucis Trust

New York

lundi 27 mars 2017 06:00 PM

Lucis Trust
866 United Nations Plaza
Suite 482

New York

NY 10017


Réunions locales et indépendantes

Consultez la rubrique Réseau Mondial pour trouver la liste des groupes indépendants qui se rencontrent au moment des fêtes de pleine lune pour une méditation de groupe.

Horaires Pleines Lunes


Retransmission En Direct Des Réunions Lucis

Royaume Uni

La transmission de cette réunion commence à 23:00 Londres Heure (Heure Locale)

Etats Unis

La transmission de cette réunion commence à 18:00 New York Heure (Heure Locale)


La transmission de cette réunion commence à 00:00 Genève Heure (Heure Locale)
