World Invocation Day 2023



An Invitation to People of Goodwill

World Invocation Day is a day of prayer, of focused spiritual contact, when people of all faiths and spiritual paths join together to make an invocative appeal to Divinity. This united appeal, focalized through the sounding of the Great Invocation, calls for light and love to flow into human consciousness so that the soul of humanity can be born on earth.

To many today, the world situation seems dire, and indeed a variety of interlocking political, economic, social, and ideological crises have come to the fore. Underlying these crises, however, are crises of consciousness and of values that are propelling humanity towards a higher expression of its spiritual potential. What appears to be a strengthening of darkness is really an intensification of ancient conflicts: between the past and the future; between selfishness and group welfare; between collective karma and spiritual destiny.

The mass desire for a world based on the values of goodwill, sharing, cooperation and unity has created a state of spiritual tension. When this desire does not just become part of humanity’s collective wish life, but is concentrated and propelled upwards into an invocative call to the spiritual realms, it can bring about great changes in consciousness, enabling humanity to act on its highest values.

Ultimately, the world’s problems are of humanity’s making and they are for humanity to solve. But the essence of the spiritual life lies in knowing that we are not alone. The energies of Divinity are abundantly available and, when the Enlightened beings who occupy the realm of soul are invoked, this higher love flows through us into the world. Through widespread use of the Great Invocation on World Invocation Day, humanity becomes the bridge between spirit and matter, transmitting spiritual energies and distributing them to the entire planetary life.

World Invocation Day is an opportunity to make the spiritual world a dominant reality in human consciousness. We invite you to join the many thousands around the world in observing this day through the use of the Great Invocation. Together, we can release energies which will enable humanity to give birth to a new civilization, bringing illumination to the darkness, and unification to that which has been divided.

The Power of Invocation

Invocation flows out of the natural evolutionary urge to reach upwards towards the light. It is the cause of all progress upon the path of expanding consciousness. This is true of a plant pushing its way out of the darkness of earth into the light of the sun, of a child extricating itself under the life impulse from the womb of its mother, of the human being pushing into realms of greater knowledge, of the aspirant and disciple driving forward on the way of liberation, and of still greater beings penetrating into realms of divine life beyond the human being’s comprehension. All comes about through invocation and evocation, appeal and response.

Invocation gives form to the power which is latent in life itself. This is the power to evolve, to transform, to redeem, and to resurrect those forms through which the One Life cannot yet adequately express. The act of invocation elevates all life forms, relating them to their spiritual essence, their soul.

The kingdom of the soul forms a great planetary center known by some as the Spiritual Hierarchy. The Hierarchy, which is the heart of the planetary Being, the Earth, maintains the divine circulatory flow of life throughout all grades of matter. This great heart draws spirit downward and raises matter upwards, merging through itself all aspects of the One.

The Hierarchy is composed of those members of humanity who have triumphed over matter and who have achieved the goal of self-mastery by the same path that individuals tread today. These enlightened beings are no longer centered in the individualized consciousness but have entered into the realization of the planetary whole. This includes all stages of consciousness on our planet, from that sense of social responsibility of the man or woman taking their first steps upon the path of spiritual maturity, to the supreme compassion of the Christ Himself.

The universal Christ, embodying the Principle of Love, is the head of Hierarchy, and oversees all aspects of its work. As the ‘Coming One’, the World Teacher, He works for all humanity – people of all religions and those of no religious persuasion at all. He represents the fullest expression of divinity to which human beings can aspire. When the Great Invocation invokes the Coming One, it invokes this potentiality.

The Great Invocation

The Great Invocation is a world prayer, and when sounded with heartfelt intent, it draws humanity closer to the center of divine love from which the great agents of divinity have, down the ages, come forth. It expresses humanity’s need and pierces through all difficulties, doubts, and despairs straight to the Mind and Heart of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being.

The Great Invocation expresses a number of central truths: the truth of the existence of a basic Intelligence to Whom we vaguely give the name of God; the truth that behind all outer seeming, the motivating power of the universe is Love; the truth that a great Individuality came to earth, called by Christians, the Christ, and embodied that love so that we could understand; and the truth that both love and intelligence are effects of what is called the Will of God.

The true power of this mantram lies in its potential to transform not just the individual consciousness but the consciousness of all humanity, and therefore the planet itself. Humanity’s role in the Divine Plan is to mediate those higher spiritual potencies into expression on earth, thus aiding the evolution of the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms.

The Great Invocation belongs to all humanity and not to any one religion or group. It has been translated into around 80 languages and dialects. On World Invocation Day, we invite you to use the Great Invocation and to aid in the evolution of human consciousness and the elevation of the Planet.





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Journée Mondiale d’Invocation
