
Videos from Lucis Productions feature programs on the Great Invocation, Triangles, World Invocation Day, Wesak Festival, and more.

Lo Spirito di Relazione

Ciò che viene richiesto a ciascuno è “l’intento amorevole per infiammare il mondo intero di spirito di relazione, partendo da se stessi, dalla propria famiglia e dal gruppo immediato."

The Rise of the Group Hero: The Story of the New Group of World Servers

A talk given by Laurence Newey at the 2019 Festival Week Seminar in London

The Sound of the Divine Feminine Principle

Christine Morgan, President of the Lucis Trust  

The Sustainable Development Goals: A Collective Call For The Will

Jimena Leiva Roesch,
Policy Analyst with the International Peace Institute.

The Tree of Music

Bette Stockbauer is Co-Director of the African Blackwood Conservation Project in Tanzania with an interest in African Anthropology/Sociology. In this 2016 Arcane School conference talk in New York, she discusses humanity’s role in redeeming and synthesising nature on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral through interplay with the lives that comprise them. She also discusses how the soul of the national tree of Tanzania is expressed through its utilisation in art and musical instruments.

The Violet Force and Health

Dr. Lee Blackburn

The Will to Tread the Radiant Way

Christine Morgan, President of the Lucis Trust

Towards an Age of Light - Video

Exploring humanity’s developing relationship with light

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