Singing, Self and Service – Music of the Triangles

22 novembre 2018

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The following talk was given in the Triangles webinar on November 12, 2018:

Life and experience can be thought about in terms of vibration and vibrating energies. Ancient philosophies suggest that everything vibrates and that everything has its tone or its note – a natural frequency at which each thing vibrates. We can appy this way of understanding nature both outward into space, where modern astro-scientists are investigating black holes in terms of the sound or frequencies they emit, and microscopically into the molecular world where, for example, there is research interest in the frequencies of human DNA. In Alice Bailey’s book Glamour: A World Problem, we meet similar ideas, for example that “Sound permeates all forms”; that “each human being has his peculiar chord” and – relevant to our own work in Triangles – that “Every spiritual group has its own tune”. The suggestion is specifically made that “the groups which are in process of collaborating with the Hierarchy make music ceaselessly”.


The Role of Creative Meditation – As a Service to Humanity

21 novembre 2018

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The following talk was given in the Triangles webinar on November 5, 2018:

Meditation is a spiritual and transformational discipline that brings the soul, the
Higher Self into relationship with its personality. Every human being has the capacity
to ponder, reflect and consider and by doing this they are meditating. It concentrates
thinking, which in time produces transformation and integration with definite
personality achievement. Meditation is often carried on without awareness of its
real nature, it is, in fact, a simple form of creativity as it has produced all the creative
wonders of our modern civilisation. This demonstrates the applied art of creative
meditation and the fact that ‘ . . . Matter is impelled to creativeness which gives rise
to forms of life . . . ‘ – para 304 Fiery World III, Agni Yoga Society


US/Russia/Great Britain: Triangles and the Destiny of Nations

21 novembre 2018

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The following talk was given in the Triangles webinar on October 22, 2018:

We’ve chosen this triangle as a starting point for today’s talk because of its significance to the world situation today and because of its importance in the coming Aquarian Age. Also, for its relevance to us and our work in triangles.

It is said in the teachings that the destiny of the planet lies in the hands of these three great fusing energies in the world.

The United States fuses and blends the western hemisphere and western Europe; Russia, eastern Europe and western and northern Asia; and Great Britain, previously the British Empire, now fuses and blends the Commonwealth of Nations around the world. So, these are considered to be the three major nations from the perspective of world synthesis.


HEALING—Making Whole through Sacred Triangles.

21 novembre 2018

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The following talk was given in the Triangles webinar on October 15, 2018:

One of the major and fundamental patterns and relationships inspiring and conditioning activities in the world and on the planet is the Triangle of relationships between and within energies and forces.

From the great, basic and progressive triangle of Shambala, Hierarchy and humanity, through the (a)triangle of the Christ at the heart of hierarchy and Sanat Kumara at the heart of Shamballa, (b) the triangle of the three Buddhas of activity in Shamballa linked with the three departmental Beings in Hierarchy and (c the function of the “linking groups“, the Nirmanakayas, the divine contemplatives between Shambala and Hierarchy and the new group of world servers between Hierarchy and humanity, and further down the planes, reflected through the three distributing agent – the right eye, the throat center and the hands (TWM, pp 251-53) of the increasingly group conscious disciples in the three world of human endeavor —all is some triangle of activity and relationship.


Right Human Relations

8 octobre 2018

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The following talk was given in the Triangles webinar on October 1, 2018:

A significant theme within the Libran energies (that we are in now) is right human relations. The energy of right human relations is an expression of the divine energy of Love-Wisdom and it is in line with the Divine purpose and intention. Right human relations are in fact, if we think about it, the only hope for a peaceful future.

However, we as humans have our choices to make, as Libra shows us, and those choices will result in either the progress of humanity being sped up or being slowed down.

The precursor to right human relations is the energy of goodwill. Which, again if we think about it, is the opposite energy to the feeling of enmity, and of conflict and hate, which is what must be off-set for goodwill to prevail.

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