The Reappearance of the Christ

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The following talk was given in the Triangles webinar on June 25, 2018:

At a webinar earlier this month we touched briefly on the theme of the reappearance of the Christ viewing it from the Christ’s perspective and in the light of our very limited understanding. And, although it is impossible for us to have any real idea as to the challenges He faces, it may perhaps have served to indicate the profound and sacred responsibilities that He carries in His capacity as the World Teacher, and as a result of His imminent work on the physical plane in the gaze of all humanity. In the Alice Bailey teaching we read: “[The Christ] is the World Teacher and not a Christian teacher. He himself told us that He had other folds and to them He has meant as much as He has meant to the orthodox Christian. They may not call Him Christ, but they have their own name for Him and follow Him as truly and faithfully as their Western brethren.”

The Christ is, in truth, a great friend of the human family, showing unconditional love, profound compassion, supreme skill in action and inestimable courage. And, in time to come, a more enlightened humanity will understand the part that He played in the cause of human progress and for that matter in planetary development too. So, perhaps in this webinar we can begin to understand our role, and the work of the human family in preparing for His reappearance in the not too distant future.

It is difficult in the midst of the confusion, drama and crises of the outer world to be able to see “the wood from the trees”, to be able to view the unfolding events of life with a crystal clear clarity, without sentiment and prejudice, and from the perspective of the soul. But it would not be an exaggeration to suggest that the forces of materialism are still active and at large feeding “world anxiety and world insecurity in order to create another point of world tension”. There are still many hurdles to overcome, many obstacles on the road ahead, but if the work of servers everywhere is adequate to the task, then perhaps sooner rather than later the balance of power will swing on to the side of the visionary and spiritual forces of the planet. This will mark a profound turning point in planetary and human affairs. When there is a measure of real peace in the world, based upon sound justice, and goodwill, when the political, financial and religious institutions have begun to put their own houses in order to more adequately reflect the spirit of the Aquarian impulse, and when the invocative demand of the human family for spiritual support and guidance has reached a critical point of tension, then we are assured the Christ will reappear, and the doors of Hierarchy, symbolically, will open. It is this shift in consciousness and progress on mental levels, in the realm of ideas, values, and principles that is of paramount importance today. A momentous struggle is taking place in the thought life of humanity, between the two great polarities of light and dark, the spiritual and the material, the new Aquarian stream of life anew, and the old crystallised and outworn ideologies. When these two great flows of energies are “equal in force, in position and influence”, then the Christ can return to the outer world. Humanity, the world disciple, will have earned the right through enormous struggle, and through surmounting, in part, the lower material nature, to stand in His presence.

This period of preparation, from approximately 1946 - 2025, a relatively short time from an evolutionary perspective, has been termed ‘The Stage of the Forerunner’, and is described as “preparatory in nature, testing in its methods, and intended to be revelatory in its techniques and results”. One of the ways which we can help to prepare the world for His return is through the Triangles work and the use of the Great Invocation. As we visualise clearly a global triangular network of light and as we sound the Invocation with focus and intent and in a spirit of love, then goodwill is released throughout the planetary Whole. Awakened and attuned hearts and minds resonate to the vibrations and these energies qualified by human thinking are assimilated into the fabric of human life and grounded in the affairs of the world. Let us not underestimate the power of focused and lighted thought in group work and in the Aquarian age it will reach heights undreamt of today. So, in our Triangles work, as a worldwide spiritual group, we are helping to blaze a trail for the well-being of future generations, so that they can live, develop, explore and serve life from a spiritual perspective.

Under the inspiration and guidance of the Christ, and in the hands of the group of world servers, the people of goodwill everywhere, and the many millions of sincere, forward-looking men and women throughout the world, lies the birth of a new world for the good of all. This influential worldwide group who can “supplement each other’s efforts, reinforce each other’s message, and constitute an organism through which the spiritual energy and principle of spiritual life can make their presence in the world”, marks the high water mark of evolutionary development to date. Never before in the long history of the human family has such a group been present in the outer world to augment and co-operate in the work of the Christ and of the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet. The Guides of the race have waited millennia for this state of affairs and it might be said today that in the three great spiritual Centres: The Father’s House, the Kingdom of God, and Humanity, there is but “one Purpose, one idea and one united expectancy” - “there is one vast movement for an intensification of the Light of the World.”

So let us conclude with a short extract from the writings of Alice Bailey: “A new chapter in the great book of spiritual living is about to be written; a new expansion of consciousness is an imminent happening; a fresh recognition of divine attentiveness is now possible to humanity, and a revealing expectancy will prove the accuracy of the Biblical statement: ‘Every eye shall see Him’” EOH 595

At the end of the day, let it not be said that we knew and yet did nothing, but rather we rallied to the banner of truth, of beauty, and of a generosity of spirit, and played our small part within the worldwide Triangles group, to release human thinking into avenues, and paths of understanding, of co-operation and above all of goodwill to prepare human consciousness for the return of the World Teacher.

At some point, in the not too distant future, the Christ will see “the travail of His soul and be satisfied” - “then His task will be done; He will be free again to leave us, this time not to return but to leave the world of humanity in the hands of that great spiritual Server Who will be the new Head of the Hierarchy, the Church Invisible”. (adapted)
