
Saturday, May 19 and Sunday, 20, 2018

13h30 - 17h30


Aula du Cycle
d’orientation de CAYLA,
Chemin William Lescaze 8
1203 Geneva

Schlüsselnote Let the rules be learned whereby the Army of the Voice works within the veils of maya. Then let that voice be no more heard and let the group onward move within the Sound

Though it is not safe for the uninitiated to tamper with the parallel evolution of the devas, yet it is necessary and safe to investigate the procedure pursued by the builders, the methods followed by them, in reproducing from the archetype, via the etheric that which we call physical manifestation. Initiation, Human and Solar, p. 203


May 19 - 20, 2018 Arcane School Conference, Geneva -
video archive of the afternoon sessions



Saturday 19 May



Meditation for students in "Weavers in the Light" only


Opening of the Conference – in English

Talk Arcane School Headquarters Group Geneva – in French
Meditation – in French

Afternoon Session – Everyone welcome
All speakers are students of the Arcane School


Introduction – in French

Approaching the unknown: What can we truly say about devas? – Peter Peuler in French

The devas seek to feel, whilst man seeks to know. For the former, then, those expansions of consciousness which we call Initiation, exist not, except in the cases of those advanced beings who, having passed through the human stage, both feel and know, and who, under the evolutionary law, expand their knowledge in ever-increasing degree.

Name and form are synonymous and contain the secret of manifestationRegine Laaser in German

Remember always that name and form are synonymous terms in the occult teaching, and these two words hold the secret of manifestation. The goal of the initiate is identification with all forms of the divine life, so that he can know himself to be an integral part of that Whole and can tune in on all states of divine awareness, knowing for himself (and not just theoretically) that they are also his own states of awareness.

The relation between the Army of the Voice and the SOUND condition evolutionDaniela Ballardini in Italian

We are concerned with the relation of the Army of the Voice to the SOUND which conditions evolution, and with the supervisory work of the Hierarchy as it sustains the work of the soul to be found within all forms—built by the Army of the Voice and by the devas in their serried ranks.

Group Meditation – in Spanish




The Law of Vibration: Sound and the Esoteric Meaning of WordsJulio Ferreras in Spanish

The secret of the Law of Vibration is progressively revealed as people learn to sound forth the Word in its three aspects. Students would also do well to ponder on the distinction between the breath and the Sound, between the process of breathing and of creating directed vibratory activity.

Group Discussions

Group Meditation – in German


Close of the day

Sunday 20 May

Afternoon Session – Everyone welcome
All speakers are students of the Arcane School


Introduction – in French

Harmony of colour and tone: From the note to the full chord Barbara Valocore in English

At first, there is dissonance and discord, a clashing of the colours, and a fight between the Higher and the Lower. But as time progresses, and later with the aid of the Master, harmony of colour and tone is produced (a synonymous matter), until eventually you will have the basic note of matter, the major third of the aligned Personality, the dominant fifth of the Ego, followed by the full chord of the Monad or Spirit.

Let the group widen all the rents within the veils of maya and thus let in the lightBernard Schnoering in French

The point of this formulated injunction is that in the new era and in the interlude between the past (wherein prominent disciples worked within the veils of maya) and the New Age (wherein humanity itself will consciously function upon the etheric plane), the work of the esoteric groups, under the direction of the New Group of World Servers, is needed.

The law of brotherhood and etheric lines of force Janna van Baalen in Dutch

The etheric body is composed of force currents, and in it are vital centers linked by lines of force with each other and with the nervous system of the physical man. Through these lines of force, it is connected also with the etheric body of the environing system. Note that in this lies the basis for a belief in immortality, for the law of brotherhood or unity and for astrological truth.

Group Meditation – in Italian




Awakening the "mass intent" with hierarchical ideas as a service of modern disciples Sergei Arutiunov in Russian

Then, lastly there are the trained disciples and aspirants of the world who use certain forms of words, certain carefully defined invocations and who—as they do this—focus the invocative cry and the invocative appeal of the other two groups, giving it right direction and power. All these three groups are, consciously or unconsciously, swinging into activity at this time and their united effort guarantees a resultant evocation.

Group Discussions

Group Meditation – in English


Close of the Conference