Soul in Education

21 March 2018

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The following presentation was given by Clarence Harvey, a long standing Triangles co-worker, which was broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on March 19, 2018. Clarence is a retired school teacher based in the UK. He works with a small group of educators known as 'Triangles in Education', and studies and teaches the Martial Art of the Soul:

There are tens of thousands of individuals in the world today who are actively engaged in the daily work of constructing the planetary network of lighted triangles within the body of humanity, and of energising the threads of this subtle network with goodwill and with a new, vibrating livingness. This is Soul work at the collective level, and it is work that helps create the conditions for the reorientation of humanity’s educational endeavours in the direction of a culture of the Soul life.

The Triangles’ work with the Great Invocation not only stimulates the circulation and radiation of energy within and through the network, but it provides the foundations of healthy educational activity that magnetically calls out the best from human minds, from human hearts, and from human creative wills. Through this work, we can come to understand the energy of the Soul as the dynamic factor in every human being who responds to the greater light of the Soul of humanity as a whole, and in this sense, we can appreciate that true education is a dynamic activity of Soul to soul interaction.

Clarence Harvey


The Raincloud

21 March 2018

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The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on March 19, 2018:

As with many aspects of life there is an inner and outer aspect to the field of education.  Outwardly, or objectively, education is concerned with the lower or concrete mind and the myriad of facts and specifications that is so characteristic of contemporary life and which has formed the basis or foundation for human genius.  But as Triangles workers we know there is also a higher type of knowing, a knowing that stems not from the concrete levels of understanding but rather from the soul, from the inner realms of being. Access to these subtle realms of knowing can only be found as we learn to affect an inner alignment within consciousness.  Then we are able to enter into the causal realm, the realm that substands the more apparent world of outer effects.  One name used in spiritual teachings for this other or higher realm of knowledge is the “raincloud of knowable things” -- a realm of ideas which can impress our waking or concrete consciousness if we establish the right inner conditions. It’s said that at this time this “raincloud is hovering, heavy with portent and knowledge, over a world that is in process of reorganisation and regeneration” (Discipleship in the New Age, Vol.II, p. 300).  And it’s said this raincloud can precipitate through those disciples who can recognize that which is imminent and can become the agents whereby the needed changes can be brought about in our world.  


The World Today

16 March 2018

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The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on March 12, 2018:

Our work brings together people of goodwill throughout the world who link up spiritually to help energise the Triangles network with the abundant and universal energies of light and goodwill. We create and visualise lighted strands of energy connecting us with our co-workers and the planetary network. As these strands of light become purer and stronger they enable the energy of goodwill to flow with increasing power, fluidity and ease throughout the planetary Whole.


Making the Planet Sacred

8 March 2018

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The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on March 5, 2018:

At our level of understanding sacrifice or the process of becoming sacred is largely a misunderstood concept. But at the level of understanding of the Planetary Logos, who is learning to function under the influence of this great Law of Sacrifice, sacrifice is said to convey pure bliss, the highest measure of joy - but of course this bliss is something we humans cannot begin to fathom. Nonetheless, the concept holds true that the more one gives and sacrifices, the more one can have, because there is no longer any attachment to it. In the Yoga sutras this idea is conveyed by the 37th sutra in Book I which states, “When abstention from theft is perfected, the yogi can have whatever he desires” and in the commentary it states that as we grow to desire nothing for the separated self, the riches of the universe begin to pour in. It states, “when he makes no demand for the lower nature and claims nothing for the threefold physical man, then all that he desires comes to him unasked and unclaimed. In some translations the words are found "all jewels are his" (The Light of the Soul, p. 197). As we take baby steps along this path, an inkling of the nature of the Logos begins to dawn on us.
