Full Moon Leo Festival Meeting New York

Leo stands in a unique relationship to the sun at the heart of our solar system. The planetary and systemic alignment established at this Festival is a heart/soul alignment. The heart of humanity, the heart of the planet--the spiritual Hierarchy--and the heart of the sun create the channel which extends to Sirius, that great "star of initiation" within the universe. Sirius has a unique relationship with our planet Earth and through Sirius the pure energy of love flows through the solar centre and into the planetary heart.

This alignment is evocative of the cosmic principle of Love and Freedom, both of which flow through Sirius and Leo into our range of awareness. These two principles are making an increasing impact on human consciousness, affecting all areas of life. As we seek to work with these energies and to cooperate with the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet, the result should be the increasing manifestation in humanity of the principle of Love and the freeing of human life from the bondage of materialism and all that tends to imprison the human spirit.

Listen to a Live broadcast of the Meeting


Treffen von Lucis Trust

New York

Wednesday 17 August 2016 06:30 PM

Lucis Trust
866 United Nations Plaza
Suite 482

New York

NY 10017

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Broadcast dieses Treffens beginnt um 18:30 New York Uhrzeit (Ortszeit)


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