New Moon Meeting


Meditation is the primary form of service for those following a spiritual path. It is a means of cooperation and alignment with hierarchical intent. The new moon period follows upon the cycle of out-breathing in the rhythmic cycles of the breath; it is a time of pause wherein together we can establish a soul-mind-brain alignment.  During this period we work in thought to concretize the ideas and impressions received at the time of the full moon period and undertake the sometimes difficult process of translating them into practical plans that can be of service in the world. The effect of this meditative effort is to enhance the many ways in which the “power of the one Life” and the “love of the one soul” are working out through all true servers everywhere.

The meeting, which will be broadcast on ZOOM will include an exploration on the theme Sharing in the Difficult Times of the Pandemic, followed by group discussion and meditation.

Sharing in the Difficult Times of the Pandemic

The work of the New Group of World Servers can most clearly be seen in the application of spiritual energies to enhance cooperation and sharing – two of the essential principles of right human relations. During these difficult and dangerous times of the pandemic, the practice of giving and sharing sustenance has quietly been gaining momentum on many different fronts.

One area that will be explored is the organizing and sharing of data, looking particularly at the coordinating role of the UN Agency, the World Health Organization, and attention given to the Open Data movement. Another area where sharing is in evidence is in the rise of actions flowing from mental and psychologically sensitive empathy. This can be seen in all areas affecting the problems of humanity, from race relations and education through to economics and religion. One notable and unusual act of giving and sharing will be considered.

Questions for reflection:

1. How do an understanding of Relationship and Devotion help us to interpret and explain current world events and the human situation during the pandemic crisis?

2. As students of the Ageless Wisdom, we know that one can give on many different planes. What are some of the implications of this recognition in observing the growth of sharing in world processes?

3. What lessons, and opportunities for giving and sharing are being made available to the New Group of World Servers and to people of goodwill in general?


• Alice A. Bailey, The Rays And The Initiations, SECTION TWO, pp. 340, 582, 584.

•  Alice A. Bailey, GLAMOUR A World Problem, SECTION THREE, pp. 161 - 265.

•  “The Potential Role Of Open Data in Mitigating The COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges And Opportunities,” Health Affairs Blog, November 2, 2020.

•  P&G Ad, Time Magazine Dec. 21/Dec. 28 2020 Double Issue, pp. 8-9

•  Heart, Agni Yoga Society, 1932


Treffen von Lucis Trust

New York

Wednesday 13 January 2021 06:00 PM

Meeting will be held online only

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