The World Goodwill newsletter is available in a wide range of European languages. For some time now, we have been contemplating the possibility of widening World Goodwill’s outreach, and it seemed to us that the most important region of the world where we could make this effort is the Middle East. We have therefore undertaken to translate into Arabic the newsletter, and a small selection of our literature. One issue, with an introductory letter, has already been sent out to a small mailing list, and a second one is being made ready. In the future, we are also planning to do some advertising, in both the English and Arabic press in the region. And we are actively seeking to expand the list of groups and individuals to whom we can send introductory information.

If you know of any potential contacts, or would like to help in other ways, (including financially, as the specialist translation and printing is expensive) then we would be very glad to hear from you.

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