From the Unreal to the Real:
Discerning Truth – Cutting Through the Glamour of the Times


1pm – 5.30pm,
Saturday, 18 November 2017
3 West Club, 3 W 51st Street,
Bet. 5th and 6th Ave.
New York, NY



An afternoon of insightful talks, small group sessions and meditation to explore truth and kindle discernment in these challenging times.

Today the ancient cry to be led from the unreal to the real has taken on a fresh immediacy and relevance. Now, more than ever, people of goodwill are called to sharpen and refine their skills of discrimination and discernment. Without the cultivation of a sense of the Real with all its beauty and promise, there is the danger that despair will characterize the vision of the future. This must not be allowed to happen. During the Seminar we will be exploring these themes as they apply to the national and individual life.

1:00 pm  Welcome and introduction – Christine Morgan
1:15 Visualization Exercise
1:30 Light Reveals: Leading-Edge Scientific Perspectives on the Real  -- Karen Elkins
Karen Elkins is founder, editor and designer of Science to Sage, an online magazine featuring leading edge thinkers in science, spirituality, philosophy, art and ancient wisdom, “revealing the true genius and genesis of our universe”.  She is author and designer of the forthcoming coffee-table book, Inside Out Visual Journey into Our Universe.  Karen co-founded Silbury Education and Resource Centre for Gifted and Creative Learners in Vancouver, Canada.
2:15 Question & Answer
2:30 Triangle Discussion Groups
3:00 Coffee & Tea
3:30 Welcome back—Steve Nation
3:40 Restorative Narrative: Communicating Stories of Recovery, Restoration & Resilience in the Media -- Judy Rodgers
Judy Rodgers is founder and President of Images and Voices of Hope, a global community of journalists, documentary filmmakers and media professionals who are focused on the medias potential to be an agent of positive change and world betterment. She was the Founding Director of the Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit at Case Western University and currently lives in a retreat center in the Catskill Mountains.
4:25 Question & Answer
4:50 Small Discussion Groups
5:15 pm Meditation and Closing


All are welcome – no charge for admission (donations gratefully received)


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