Honoring the Moment and Following the Momentum

12 September 2022



Pathways of Energy

5 September 2022



Parenting in the New Age: Love

29 August 2022

PDF Presentation

PDF Presentation #2


This ability to bridge between worlds might not be natural or easy for us to achieve because the general tenor of our world doesn’t leave much space for such activities. Too much of contemporary life externalizes us, isn’t geared towards inner communion.  So, it’s up to us to make the effort.  But for the young child, this bridging between worlds is a natural process for they have freshly emerged from the world of meaning and still have a large part of their being anchored there. They live, we might say, in a kind of interlude experience.  Unfortunately quite often the attitude towards children doesn’t accommodate this understanding and this demonstrates our lack of understanding of where children are coming from and so instead of allowing children the time and space to cultivate and revel in this in-between state between worlds all too often we try to  pull them too quickly into our world when we’d be better advised to try and enter theirs.  By doing so we would perhaps aid children to retain more of their connection with their soul, which should be the most important gifts that they can cultivate.  


From Chaos to Beauty2

22 August 2022

PDF Presentation


There is no doubt that the current times are difficult, our way of life is being challenged through wars, through drought, fires, the constant threat of new viruses, increasing levels of inequality, fuel and food shortages and the resultant problem of civil unrest. It is becoming increasingly apparent that the current methods of organising resources that rely on maximising profit, on pitting firm against firm, or nation against nation, are no longer working. There is after all only one planet, a fixed resource which provides the basis for the survival of all the kingdoms in nature. Within humanity, if one nation wins economically it will be at the mercy of other nations. The unparalleled wealth accumulation of some means the loss of the means of living for others. If one kingdom in nature dominates and ravages another, as the human kingdom is doing to the vegetable through massive deforestation for example, then the animal kingdom become the direct losers.



15 August 2022

PDF Presentation


Esoteric Psychology 1 states that the effect (and purpose) of a relationship between man and animal is to provide a step forward for the animal. How does this happen? It seems that as an animal is taken deeper and deeper into the realm of the human, that creature begins to take on a layer of selfhood. Referred to as the process of individualization, the experience moves the animal away from the basic instinctual mode of living, to a broader experience of living. There is a tiny spreading out of awareness which is enabled by being in contact with the radiatory influence of the human being. This radiatory influence has the power to reach life, draw life to itself, and then hold that life in trust.

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