Reflections on the Cycle of Conference Initiative Focus on the UN Transforming Education Summit

11 October 2022

During World Goodwill’s recent Cycle of Conferences visualization initiative in September, seeds of living will energy were imaginatively projected into the Transforming Education Summit at the United Nations General Assembly. The initiative marked an attempt by an esoteric group to enter into the heart of the thoughtform under construction at the Summit, identifying in the thinking of Summit participants universal principles outlined by wisdom teachings throughout the ages; and then, through a process sometimes referred to as ‘subtle activism’,  ‘seeing’ these principles being energized by the ‘group gaze’.


The Transformative Power of Education

5 October 2022

In tandem with the high-level week at the United Nations came the Transforming Education Summit. Though not explicitly related to the crises and discussions of world leaders, it was immediately clear that education is related indirectly to nearly all facets of human living—its problems and their solutions.
