2018 UN/DPI NGO Conference

6 July 2018

The 2018 UN/DPI NGO Conference (August 22-23 at UN Headquarters in New York) is an opportunity for NGOs across the world to come together to address global issues of interest to the work of the United Nations. Recent annual conferences have attracted over 2000 civil society delegates from every region of the earth. This year’s theme, “We the Peoples…Together Finding Global Solutions to Global Problems”, will focus on the importance of multilateralism in solving world problems.


Der Weltumfassende Gute Wille spielt das 2030 SDGs-Spiel

27 June 2018

Im vergangenen Monat freuten sich zwei Vertreter des Weltumfassenden Guten Willens darüber, dass sie an einem Treffen in Islington, London, an einer der Auftaktveranstaltungen für die englischsprachige Ausgabe eines Brettspiels, teilnehmen konnten. Dieses war entwickelt worden für das vertiefte Verstehen der Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDGs) der Vereinten Nationen.


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Speaks from the Heart

23 June 2018

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, will be resigning next year at the end of his four-year term. In his final Global Update on the state of human rights to the Human Rights Council in Geneva on June 18, he spoke from the heart.

Those of us in the UN Secretariat, originating from all the 193 Member States, work collaboratively and we do not answer to any State. In contrast, too many governments represented at the UN will often pull in the opposing direction: feigning a commitment to the common effort, yet fighting for nothing more than their thinly-thought interests, taking out as much as they can from the UN, politically, while not investing in making it a true success. The more pronounced their sense of self-importance – the more they glory in nationalism – the more unvarnished is the assault by these governments on the overall common good: on universal rights, on universal law and universal institutions, such as this one.

And as the attack on the multilateral system and its rules, including most especially international human rights law, intensifies, so too will the risk increase of further mischief on a grander scale. The UN’s collective voice must therefore be principled and strong; not weak and whining, obsessed with endless wrangling over process, the small things, as it is the case today.

If my Office, of which I am very proud, and I, have gotten one thing right over the last few years, it is our understanding that only fearlessness is adequate to our task at this point in time. Not ducking for cover, or using excuses or resorting to euphemisms, but a fearlessness approaching that shown by human rights defenders around the world – for only by speaking out can we begin to combat the growing menace of chauvinistic nationalism that stalks our future.


World Goodwill Attends 2017 Forum on Culture of Peace at UN

25 October 2017

Every year since 2012 the President of the UN General Assembly has convened a High-Level Forum on the Culture of Peace. With the support of member nations (102 governments sponsored the resolution calling for this year’s event) the Forum aims to highlight emerging trends impacting on the realization of the culture of peace, defined as a set of values, attitudes, traditions and modes of behaviour and ways of life based on universal principles of freedom, justice and peace. 


Wo die Welt miteinander ins Gespräch kommt: Die UN-Generalversammlung

6 September 2017

Dieser durchdachte Artikel in der September-Ausgabe von Le Monde diplomatique von Anne-Cécile Robert und Romuald Sciora gibt einen Einblick in die jüngsten Entwicklungen an der Generalversammlung. Es unterstreicht die wichtige Rolle, die die Versammlung in internationalen Angelegenheiten spielt.

Die Generalversammlung ist die einzige repräsentative Körperschaft des Planeten, aber es ist kein Weltparlament: Nur Wahlen könnten ihm die Legitimität eines Parlaments in einem demokratischen Staat geben, und das ist wahrscheinlich unrealistisch. Die GA ist jedoch einzigartig in ihrer Fähigkeit, den Wandel in den internationalen Beziehungen (die Überraschungswahl von Thomson, die Mobilisierung kleiner Staaten und Chinas) und in ihren aus der Charta der Vereinten Nationen abgeleiteten Werten zu reflektieren und auch im Streben nach Macht im Dienste der kollektiven Sicherheit. In einer Zeit, in der die Neugestaltung der geopolitischen Landkarte Spannungen aufwirft, ist es trotz der Unvollkommenheiten das einzige Forum, das der Schaffung einer fortschrittlichen internationalen Ordnung förderlich ist.

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