Vera Stanley Alder, The Finding of the Third Eye von Vera Stanely Alder (Autor)

Vera Stanley Alder, The Finding of the Third Eye von Vera Stanely Alder (Autor)

Available only in US

Vera Stanley Alder here offers us a guide to attainment through the path outlined by Ancient Wisdom.  She summarizes our philosophical relationship to the past by comparing it with the discoveries of modern science, and surveys the techniques of working with breath, color, sounds, numbers, diet and exercise. Finally she discusses the functions of the third eye, astrology, meditation, and their ultimate aims.


$14.95 USD



paperback $14.95 USD



ISBN-13: 978-0-877-28056-9

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Vera Stanley Alder, The Finding of the Third Eye

188 pages

Weiser Books

Dimensions 8.3 x 5.3

ISBN-13: 978-0-877-28056-9