Cosmic Rays: Gifts for the Aquarian Age

Three Spiritual Festivals 2024
Cosmic Rays: Gifts for the Aquarian Age


Dear co-worker,

Amaterasu, one of the most powerful cosmic rays ever detected, struck the Earth’s atmosphere in 2021. Named after the sun goddess in Japanese mythology, Amaterasu means “shining in heaven”—and this is where she seems to have come from, her trajectory tracing back to a vast region of empty space known as the Local Void. Scientists are baffled as to how such a powerful cosmic ray could suddenly appear out of nothing. And even if this were not the case, as one analyst put it:

“Things that people think of as energetic, like supernova [exploding star], are nowhere near energetic enough for this… what the heck is going on?” 1

From the esoteric perspective, a clue to the mystery lies in the relationship between the cosmic rays known to science and the seven rays of esoteric science which are “the sum total of the divine Consciousness”—the “seven channels through which all being in… [the]… solar system flows.”

In this present cycle, it is the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order that is currently growing in power, the influence of which is most potent upon the physical plane. And it is through this channel that the cosmic rays familiar to modern science are finding their way to earth. In Alice Bailey’s Esoteric Psychology Vol I, we read:

“It is under the influence of the incoming seventh ray… that we shall discover new cosmic rays. They… are always present in our universe, but they use the substance of the incoming ray energy as the path along which they can travel to our planet and thus be revealed.” 2

Cosmic rays originate from the subjective realms of the universe, and as they precipitate into the earth’s atmosphere they produce “air showers”—cascades of charged particles and electromagnetic radiation that, in the case of Amaterasu, were picked up by detectors spread across the desert in Utah. Air showers provide us with wonderful symbols of the age of Aquarius—an air sign with the spiritual keynote:

“Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.”

Furthermore, one of this sign’s planetary rulers—Uranus—embodies the energy of the incoming seventh ray of Ceremonial Order, enabling new cosmic rays like Amaterasu to have a powerful effect on human behaviour. Returning to the information on cosmic rays in the book, Esoteric Psychology:

“The interest being shown today in the so-called cosmic rays indicates a scientific recognition of the new incoming seventh ray energies. These rays, pouring through the sacral centre of the planetary etheric body, have necessarily an effect upon the sacral centres of humanity, and hence the sex life of mankind is temporarily over-stimulated, and hence also the present over-emphasis upon sex. But hence also (and this must be remembered) the keen impetus now being mentally expressed which will eventually result in man’s thinking through to a solution of this problem of sex.” 3

While there has been much intellectual research and discussion on problems related to sex, new problems keep surfacing—a notable example being the issue of gender confusion and fluidity— particularly in young children. This difficult and troubling phenomenon may well be related in some way to the incoming qualities associated with the seventh ray of Ceremonial Order causing disturbances in the collective sacral centre of humanity. And speaking in general terms, changes seem to be occurring in the way many people are experiencing gender in modern societies. Of concern though, is that in our highly sexualised world society, children are surrounded by sexual imagery and content in almost every area of life, resulting in the erosion of childhood innocence. Children today are presented with many conflicting messages concerning gender, for in modern times its definition has become far more to do with social and cultural differences between the sexes than biological ones. A remarkable definition is posted on the World Health Organisation’s website:

“Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time…. Gender identity refers to a person’s deeply felt, internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may not correspond to the person’s physiology or designated sex at birth.” 4

Whatever our own views on this may be, the answer to wrong lower identifications with the physical sex of the body lies in lifting consciousness away from the body nature. Given that a feeling of incompleteness is one of the main characteristics of gender dysphoria, encouraging the aesthetic sense in young children would surely be of more assistance than ever-earlier sex education. The feeling for beauty and wonder in nature helps to nurture in the child a strong sense of identity with the soul of all things, including the soul of humanity as a whole, where the solution to the problem of gender lies. As human consciousness is steadily raised towards the Kingdom of Souls, masculine and feminine energies are synthesized into a perfected unity, as the Christ will undoubtedly demonstrate when He reappears. For the Christ is the “perfected human being”— Who unites the highest expression of the positive and negative forces of creation within His own Being and wields them in service of the Divine Plan. This too is the glorious destiny that lies before each and every human being at some point in the future, no matter how distant it may seem.

With this in mind, psychological progress towards this unification seems evident in many of the creative thinkers of the race who are embracing more of the higher, spiritual characteristics of the opposite sex within themselves. As far as longer-term changes in the human organism are concerned, an interesting and challenging prophecy to contemplate is to be found in the book Esoteric Healing:

“the dense physical externalisation of this [sacral] centre is to be found in the gonads, the human organs of generation—viewing them as a basic unity, though temporarily separated in the present dualistic expression of the human being…. Eventually, in the Divine Hermaphrodite (later to appear) you will have another combination.” 5



Returning to the book, Esoteric Psychology, we learn that:

“other cosmic rays will play upon our earth as this seventh ray activity becomes increasingly active, and the result of their influence will be to facilitate the emergence of the new racial types.” 6

Elsewhere, the following traits are described in connection with this evolutionary development:

“The intuition will be awakening, and will be more prominent than now, but the outstanding characteristic will be the ability… to think in abstract terms, and to use the abstract mind.” 7

Because esoteric training has the same objective of awakening the abstract mind, those who are following its threefold discipline of meditation, study and service are likely to find themselves sensitive to the influence of the new incoming cosmic rays. This represents an added stimulus to contend with—accelerating progress but also intensifying the psychological challenges of treading the path. It is just one of the many new factors to bear in mind should any period of unaccustomed psychological tension be experienced or fluctuations in the quality of subjective awareness. Following a path of esoteric training at this momentous time in planetary history is without doubt a test of spiritual tenacity. However, those who have the will to persevere in the great endeavour are presented with an unparallelled opportunity to take a significant step forward on the path of spiritual unfoldment and increase their capacity to serve.

The higher spiritual interlude of the year marked by the full moon festivals of Aries, Taurus and Gemini, is the most opportune time to do this by working with the new cosmic influences that are seeking entrance into human consciousness. The ability to “think in abstract terms, and to use the abstract mind” is facilitated by the waves of energy or “gift waves” that are circulating throughout the realm of the planetary mind at this time. The bridge of consciousness that is forming between the Spiritual Hierarchy and the human kingdom is thereby strengthened, preparing the way for the reappearance of the Christ—the great hope for humanity in these troubling times.

In the light of group consciousness,
Lucis Trust

  1. The Guardian Article
  2. Esoteric Psychology, Vol I, pp.369–70
  3. Ibid, p.280
  4. World Health Organization, Gender and health
  5. Esoteric Healing, pp.179–80
  6. Esoteric Psychology, Vol I, p.370
  7. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p.456

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