Register to attend in-person > Registration is compulsory.


Register to attend online (Saturday) > Registration is compulsory.

Saturday, May 18, 2024
Students only: 10:30 - 12:00 CEST
All Welcome: 13:30 - 17:30 CEST

Register to attend online (Sunday) > Registration is compulsory.

Sunday, May 19, 2024
Secretaries and Secretaries-in-training only: 10:00 - 12:00 CEST
All Welcome: 13.30 - 17:00 CEST


Online and in-person at:

Université Ouvrière de Genève
Place des Grottes 3
1201 Geneva, Switzerland

To register to attend in person >

Keynote Let the group dedicate itself anew to the service of the Coming One and do all it can to prepare human minds and hearts for that event. We have no other life intention.

Arcane School Conference, Geneva (a physical and online event)

Event Details


Saturday, May 18

Morning Session
Arcane School students only (10:00 - 12:00 CEST)

10:00 - 10:30 CEST

Weavers Meditation.
For students in the Weavers in the Light and Bridge to the Future degrees only.
No live broadcast.

10:45 CEST


10:50 CEST

Opening of the ConferenceChristine Morgan (English)

11:10 CEST

Talk - Headquarters Group Geneva - Mintze van der Velde (French)

11:30 CEST

Meditation - (French)

12:00 CEST

End of Morning Session

Afternoon session Everyone welcome

Register to attend online (Saturday) > Registration is compulsory.

Register to attend in-person > Registration is compulsory.

13:30 CEST

Introduction - (French/English)

13:35 CEST

Mantram of Unification -  (German)

13:40 CEST

Meditating on the laws of the fifth kingdom while living in the fourth.Kathy Newburn (English)


 "A united world group given to unanimous and simultaneous meditation ... for the jurisdiction of the Christ." …The task is, through meditation, to establish the knowledge of and the functioning of those laws and principles which will control the coming era, the new civilisation and the future world culture. Until the foundation for the coming "jurisdiction" is at least laid, the Christ cannot reappear; if He came without this due preparation, much time, effort and spiritual energy would be lost.

14:00 CEST

Do the current tensions in the world have anything to do with the Coming One? - Marcos Piñeiro (Spanish) 


Always in moments of crisis and tension, the cry of humanity has evoked response from the Hierarchy which has come, sometimes rapidly, sometimes more slowly, but always inevitably. In modern history, two such Approaches are recognised as existing on a broad human scale, i.e., the one which focussed through the coming of the Buddha to the Eastern civilisation and that which focussed through the Christ, coming to the West. Another Great Approach is now at hand but its date is dependent upon the activity of the New Group of World Servers and the spiritual tension which they can achieve.  

14:15 CEST

Visualisation 1 - (French)

14:25 CEST

Why is it sufficient to have the only life intention of preparing human minds and hearts for the reappearance of the Coming One. - Florian Harvey (French)


We are also told that “it is the Will aspect of Love which the Christ will of necessity use this time when He comes.” Deeper understanding of this energy and consequently, a more powerful evocation of it should therefore be an integral part of our work in “preparing men’s mind and hearts for that event.”. 

14:40 CEST

Group Meditation - (Italian)

14:55 CEST


15:25 CEST

Affirmation of the Disciple - (Dutch)

15:30 CEST

The Christ and His disciples, the Masters of Wisdom and the Great Companions, are approaching nearer to the physical plane. - Nina Babenkova (Russian)


The work of mental preparation for that event, and the construction of the thoughtform of the advent or second Coming, has now been completed. There remains the precipitation of that event, its appearance on astral levels and its materialisation on the physical plane. I would ask all of you who read these words anent the second Coming, to reserve opinion as to the exact nature of that event.

15:45 CEST

Group Discussions

17:10 CEST

Group Meditation - (German)

17:30 CEST


Sunday, May 19

Morning Session
For Secretaries and Secretaries-in-training only (10:00am - 12:00pm CEST)

10:00am - 12:00pm CEST

Secretarial Workshop
For Secretaries and Secretaries-in-Training only
(On invitation only)
(Venue: Université Ouvrière de Genève, Place des Grottes 3, 1201 Geneva)

Afternoon session Everyone welcome

Register to attend online (Sunday) > Registration is compulsory.

Register to attend in-person > Registration is compulsory.

13:30 CEST

Introduction - (French/English)

13:35 CEST

Affirmation of the Will (Portuguese)

13:40 CEST

The reform of the world religions through the introduction of common sense and progressive ideas. - Peter Peuler (French)


Much of the work to be done, therefore, will be purely economic and will concern the right feeding and the development of a true security for millions who—for many lives—will not be interested in matters esoteric. The reform of the churches of the many world religions is another aspect of the same work, requiring no occult information but the introduction of commonsense and progressive ideas into theology, and the shift of the ecclesiastical emphasis from material values to the spiritual.

13:55 CEST

The Plan and the reappearance of Christ. Discerning the signs and how to collaborate therewith. - Sietske Hooijen (Dutch)


But to do this within the Plan and at the same time to recognise the basic synthesis in which we live and move, the disciple must learn to analyse, discriminate and discern those aspects, qualities and forces which must be creatively used in the materialisation of the intuited Plan, based on the sensed vision.  We might well ponder on this rapport between the man, and the Hierarchy, via a man's own soul.  The Hierarchy exists in order to render possible in form that sensed Plan and divine Vision.  To produce this emergence of truth, the man stands also at the midway point, and in handling the great dualities of life, must produce the new world. 

14:10 CEST

Visualisation 2 - (French)

14:20 CEST

The spiritual effort of developing oneself into a vibrant and powerful centre of fundamental, universal love. - Gabriele Körber (German)


There is no light or dark to the soul but only existence and love. Rest back on that. There is no separation but only identification with the heart of all love; the more you love the more love can reach out through you to others. The chains of love unite the world of men and the world of forms and they constitute the great chain of Hierarchy. The spiritual effort you are asked to make is that of developing yourself into a vibrant and powerful centre of that fundamental, universal Love.

14:35 CEST

Group Meditation - (Spanish)

14:50 CEST


15:15 CEST

Mantram of Love - (Ukrainian)

15:20 CEST

Lifting the pitch of mass consciousness so it can welcome the love principle into daily life. - Giuseppe Piazza (Italian)
The work of pouring out the principle of love (which is the Christ principle) and of lifting the masses in their consciousness to the pitch where they can understand and welcome that love-principle is the main work of the new age, and it will inaugurate the age of brotherhood and mould humanity into the likeness of the Christ. That the oriental peoples may call this great Official by another name than that of "The Christ" has no bearing on reality and alters not the fact of His influence and His esoteric coming.

15:35 CEST

Group Discussions

16:40 CEST

Group Meditation - (English)

17:00 CEST

Close of the Conference