Creative people from all parts of the world serving in all fields of human endeavour are subjectively linked by the quality of their thoughts and actions; collectively they are known as the new group of world servers. This rapidly expanding group is comprised of those who think and act in terms of the one life and the one humanity; their growing sense of synthesis means that they are those who, rather than emphasising points of contention and division between peoples, are highlighting points of identification and unity through the unconditional love they express.

The new group of world servers is not an exterior organisation but could be thought of as a subjective organism, a group of people united as one through the synthesising nature of their vision and work. They may not be consciously aware


of this affiliation, they may not know or meet each other in person, but members of this worldwide group intuitively recognise and resonate with others who share this vision of human unity and are working to implement it in their chosen field. Above all members of this group represent an inclusive attitude of mind and the purpose underlying their life and activity is that of world service.

Their work is primarily, therefore, that of education and the expansion of human consciousness. Through the impression and expression of certain spiritual Ideas, they are bringing humanity to the understanding of the fundamental ideals which will inspire new modes of living.

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