An Important Triangle

As we know, Triangles is part of the divine Plan. It is an aspect of that Plan and through means of our participation in this group activity we become part of and aligned with this Plan and aid in its realization, in its working out on Earth.  The Plan becomes real and living to us, not an abstraction.  And this Plan and its working out — as illustrated in the work of the Great Invocation and of Triangles — is related to the fundamental concept of the Triangle —as it works out within our solar system, within our planet, within the kingdoms of nature, within our groups and within ourselves. All these different layers of reality consist of Triangles that contain the three aspects of Spirit, soul and form--or Life, Quality and Appearance.  

As we know, one of the chief aims of Triangles is to work together as a group to shift the etheric structure of the planetary grid from a network of squares into a network of triangles—the triangle being the symbol through which the flow of soul energy is facilitated. This will eventually result in our planet becoming sacred. Right now we are surely in the midst of this process of planetary transformation and surely some of the squares within the grid are being bisected and forming triangles just as we, within our level of individual transmutation, are likewise in process of bisecting our personalities and becoming more responsive to the triangle of our soul.   As we do this, we do so in concert with our group brothers and sisters in all the many different traditions and the work of all Triangles workers and meditators are contributing to facilitating this shift.

Etheric energy unites all things creating a web of relationships.  Therefore, our planetary Life, our Planetary Logos, is not alone in the task set before Him as he moves towards making our planet sacred. His efforts are not undertaken in a vacuum and instead are interconnected and, aligned with all life-forms that are aiding in the Plan’s working out. 

Each planet, for example, interacts with and receives varying qualities of lighted energy from other planets with which it has a particularly close relationship and karmic connection.   Earth, we know, is involved in various Triangles within our system.  But there is one major Triangle that is in process of formation that seems to be highlighted in the Great Invocation.  This is the Triangle between Earth, Venus and Mercury.  This Triangle is potent as these two sacred planets—Mercury and Venus—are involved in sending light and love to Earth--aiding us in our movement towards becoming sacred so we can aid not only our own planetary evolution but also the wider objectives and role that the Earth has to play within the solar system as a whole.

It’s said that Mercury receives seven times more light than any other planet within the solar system and part of that light is given to Earth.  Venus is also said to receive three times the light and she gives one third of that light to Earth.  So both these planets stand as little suns to our planet and, in concert with our great Solar Logosthe Sun— combine to aid us in our efforts to shift to a higher focus.  In the Secret Doctrine, in fact, it’s said that Mercury, Venus and the Sun are one so we can see what a powerful alignment of energies we have aiding us.

Mercury embodies Light – it is the planet of buddhi and is called “the Lord of Wisdom.” We could hypothesize that Mercury corresponds to the first stanza of the Great Invocation—and as we voice this stanza from one perspective we are calling upon the aid and Light of Mercury to shine into our planetary life, awakening our minds so that we will know more fully what it is we can do to aid in the Plan’s realization.  And of course, a bit closer to home, this stanza is also related to the Lord Buddha, the Messenger from the East and the wisdom aspect of the great second ray that rules the planet—the great Teacher who on May 10th returned again to bless our world.  And of course Mercury is also another name for humanity in its role as the planetary mediator, the third aspect of the Trinity, the divine Messenger, who receives light and love from the higher or spiritual kingdoms and then distributes that light to all the lower kingdoms of nature through the medium of the etheric body.

Venus, on the other hand, relates to the second stanza of the Invocation as it is the planet of Love, the love aspect of the second ray.  Venus stands as the soul or higher aspect, overshadowing, helping and imbuing the Earth with this light of love. And this second stanza of the Invocation is of course also very much related to the heart center of the planet and also to the heart center of Hierarchy, the World Teacher, the Christ—the Messenger for the West — the Lord of Love, the great brother of the Buddha. 

This Triangle between Earth, Venus and Mercury is supremely important to our planetary life and particularly highlighted at this time of year as we approach the Gemini full moon, also known as the Christ’s festival, the Festival of Unification and celebrated worldwide as World Invocation Day, when men and women of goodwill are asked to use the Great Invocation and create a funnel through which a great invocative cry is issued up to God and from Whom response is given.  At present the World Teacher, the Christ, is involved in his major work of the year, for he is holding the blessing he received from the Buddha at Wesak and only at the exact time of the full moon of Gemini will he release that blessing to all humanity on June 9th at  9:09am (New York).  This is the time when there takes place the greatest outpouring of Love within the annual cycle. When the sun is in Gemini this triangle between Venus, Mercury and the Earth is highlighted as these three planets rule in Gemini.  This results in a potent stimulation of our planet that brings in a great influx of second ray energy, stimulating the soul of all forms. 

So let us work together with our Triangles meditation — playing our part in solidifying the Venus, Mercury, Earth Triangle and also that between The Buddha, the Christ and our Planetary Logos — He Who stands within the center where the Will of God is known.

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