Death and Resurrection

April 27, 2020

PDF of part 1 (Kathy Newburn)

PDF of part 2 (Michael Galloway)

The experience of recent decades has perhaps made some of us who have a bit of esoteric understanding of this importance of this turning point in planetary history, wonder what it would take to capture the attention of a humanity seemingly caught up in distractions? Perhaps some kind of breakthrough could be possible through something as challenging as the present  pandemic, when people are forced for a time at least to step back from the ordinary routines and have somewhat of a pause from the normal conditions.  Surely one of the lessons of the present situation will be to demonstrate the many ways in which we and the planet itself have become out of balance with the rhythms and cycles of the natural world.


Reflections on Some Hidden Sources Underlying the Outer Turmoil

April 20, 2020

PDF of part 1 (Kathy Newburn)

PDF of part 2 (Emmanuel Sackeyfio)

Taurus is the sign of the Buddha and also the sign which governs the new group of world servers.  Each of the three festivals of the higher interlude period are associated with one of the three planetary centers -- Aries with the planetary heart center, the Spiritual Hierarchy; the Wesak Festival, the high point of the spiritual year, is linked with the center Shamballa, the planetary head center, the center where the will-of-God is known from which the Buddha comes, at great cost to himself.  The third and culminating Gemini Festival is linked with the center Humanity.


The Power of Global Group Sharing

April 13, 2020

PDF of Presentation

Triangles workers are drawing upon the life of the network as a means if contributing to a compassionate response to the present world situation.  As we move towards the high point of the Wesak Festival, the full moon of the Buddha, it’s helpful to reflect upon this quality of compassion because it was said to be by pondering this soul quality that the Buddha himself attained his enlightenment.


The Fires of Group Work

April 6, 2020
