From Chaos to Beauty

We know that Triangles is a service activity, a way of helping our planet move forward on its evolutionary journey back to the Father’s House. For just as the story of the Prodigal Son is the story that symbolizes humanity’s journey back to its spiritual Home, on a planetary scale so, too, is our  Logos, the great Being that ensouls our planet, irrevocably moving in His own journey, back to His source, His home, His Father.  For He, too, journeyed into the far country and apparently lost his way and is likewise now reversing himself and finding his way home as are many of us.  The Father to which He is returning is, of course, the sun itself, the Solar Logos, the God of our system, the Grand Man of the Heavens.  We are all in this journey together, moving ever into a greater measure of that one Reality, each life a tiny cell within a greater life in the great chain of Hierarchy that never ends.  

The Triangles work is like a macrocosmic reflection of what we can all do each day when we are faced with a distressing situation--we seek to bring  whatever support we can give to the situation, which quite often simply involves listening or helping in a practical way. Through these means there is a simple exchange of energy that can help to ease things.  From the bigger perspective, Triangles workers do this type of soothing and healing work for the planet by releasing harmonizing and clarifying energies into the ethers of the planet and quelling the disturbances caused by the many shocks that are rocking our world.  

As we move into this age wherein the Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict is coming into manifestation it’s said we will become not so much artists in the ordinary sense of the term but rather artists of life.  Part of this artistic living will involve an increasing use of ancient mantrams, said rhythmically and sacredly which, when this fourth ray energy is combined with the building energy of the seventh ray, will go a long way towards repatterning the etheric field of the planet in such a manner that the new heaven and the new earth will come into being.  One such mantram that has come down to us for use is called “The Ancient Mantram.” which runs as follows:

Lead us O Lord from darkness to Light,
From the unreal to the Real
From death to immortality.

As we move into this time wherein this 4th ray is coming in a 4th line has been given out to be added to this ancient prayer-- for use by our 4th kingdom, the human kingdom--a  Humanity that finds itself governed by the 4th ray.  This fourth line asks us to move

From chaos to beauty. 

Accompanying this injunction there is a spiritual exercise called the Circle in the Square that is most interesting and which, to my understanding, seems a similar and wonderful compliment to the work of Triangles.

It’s said that if this exercise is used over the course of a number of years it will provide a key to the awakening of the creative process which will lead to a deeper understanding of some of the objectives of the Logos, giving us the opportunity to use visualization to  participate in a living process. 

Let’s now work together to do this visualization together.

Let’s take a moment to align ourselves as a group.  The image or symbol to be visualized runs as follows:  There lies before us a square or oblong, composed of a kaleidoscopic mass of inchoate heavy and garish colors, moving, pulsating and in constant indescribable confusion.

Now, superimpose upon this square a radiant sun with a penumbra composed of the seven prismatic colors that are seen radiating out from the sun in regular rhythmic bands and producing a marvelous blaze of color.

The scheme of beauty that is emerging from the sun (which appears as if superimposed upon the more garish colors) is translucent and delicate and radiantly living in hue. The heavier background can be distinctly seen through the translucence.

Sound the Ancient Mantram

When considering this symbol it’s said that we are participating in building in the new world, creating the future out of the substance of consciousness.  The symbol that is being built is of the future, not a remnant of the past.                              Kathy Newburn