Geometric Transformation and the Triangles Work

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The following talk was given by Julie Rudzinski in the Triangles webinar on August 13, 2018:

In Triangles work three people link up each day to sound the Great Invocation in a triangle of dynamic thought, enveloping the world in a network of light and goodwill. In so doing they participate in a creative process that is of great significance to the evolution of humanity and of the planet. The science of geometry is fundamental to this work.

Geometry is that system of math that is concerned with “shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. . . .” Basic ideas in geometry “include the concepts of points, lines, planes, surfaces, angles, and curves. . .” (Wikipedia). As with all aspects of physical plane life, an inner system of geometry exists known as sacred geometry. This esoteric geometry is a metaphysical study of these same concepts and integrates both rational and intuitional thinking in order to explore the deeper meanings of geometrical forms.

For centuries esoteric knowledge has been veiled in the numbers and figures of geometry, concealed in the symbols of religious rituals, the architecture of temples and cathedrals and mosques, and in the geometry of sacred art, such as medicine wheels, sand paintings, and stained glass windows. Esoteric geometry uncovers that knowledge, unveils the mysteries of that inner world that serves as the prototype of the outer, and reveals truths about the universe and man’s place in it. With this esoteric approach geometrical formations are examined from a psychological perspective, looking beyond the outer forms to consider meaning and motive and the impact of these geometrized energy forms on the individual, on groups, nations, the planet, and beyond.

The science of esoteric astrology incorporates esoteric geometry. Its study advances a true understanding of evolutionary purpose for man and the cosmos. Basic to that understanding is the axiom that everything is energy. This energy circulates in a cosmic field known as the ether, penetrating all forms within the ether and permeating them with their particular qualities—affecting the bodies of minerals, plants, animals, humans, and the bodies of the planets, solar systems, and constellations that exist within the ether. Thus, one vast, interconnected system of energies, an etheric web of geometrical light energy, links and synthesizes all forms of life within it. One Life.

Within the fields of esoteric astrology and geometry the teachings contained in the Alice Bailey books provide a category of study called the Science of Triangles. The suggestion is that this is a major subject of inquiry, for at this point in cosmic evolution the cosmic web of energies is composed of “an intricate, constantly moving, interwoven series of triangles” of energy (Esoteric Astrology, p. 417). One example of a major Triangle of Energy that significantly affects our planet is that formed by the constellations of the Great Bear, Sirius, and the Pleiades. These great cosmic centers “control and energise our solar system,” (p. 595), transmitting energies to the three major energy centers of our planet, another triplicity: Shamballa, Hierarchy, and Humanity. In this way the three major energies to be gained from Earthly experience—purpose, love, and intelligence—are relayed to the planet and all life upon it. These constellations form other powerful triple relationships with other constellations of the zodiac and with other planets within the solar system and in higher dimensions of existence beyond the three dimensions we experience, in “an immense series of interlocking triangles between the stars” (p. 419). Is it any wonder that the Tibetan who communicated the teachings to Alice Bailey calls this science “a subject of such vast dimensions and mystery that no Life within our solar system has more than sensed its significance” (p. 420)?

The movement of energies in the etheric web is geometric. The energies circulate within the ethers in ordered, geometrical patterns. The type of energy flow is defined by the evolutionary state of the particular form. For instance, the pattern of energies of non-sacred planets flows in the form of squares, that of sacred planets in triangles, and the flow of energy of the sun in circular formation. As with all life forms, these patterns of energies themselves evolve—energy that flows in square patterns evolves to flow in triangular forms, and triangular energies evolve to circular.

We are told that Earth is a non-sacred planet (meaning that the planetary Logos has not yet developed the inclusiveness required to be considered “sacred”). Thus, the pattern of energies prevalent in the etheric web of the planet is one of squares. A square is solid, concrete, and material—properties descriptive of the dense form life of the planet at this time in its evolution. But “as the divine plan works out” this concrete pattern of energies is gradually being refined, reshaped, re-formed from squares into triangles. “The effort on Earth today is to bring about a transformation of the web of the planet,” to create a network of triangular energies, and for Earth to achieve its sacred place (p, 479).

The question becomes then: how does this transformation take place? How does the movement of energy progress from squares to triangles? Interestingly, this process is accomplished “by the creation of division, by the application of the Law of Separation” (p. 479). One might understand this division process by visualizing the splitting of a square diagonally from corner to corner to form two separate triangles. Taking this a step further and applying this process to humanity, one might speculate that the intense polarities gripping humanity at this time are outer manifestations of “the creation of division” and “the application of the Law of Separation,” the splitting of the square—all part of the natural evolutionary process. This process involves also “the recognition in consciousness, of duality” (p. 479). Perhaps for humanity this indicates an expansion in consciousness as humanity’s soul becomes more visible and more vibrant within the form and humanity as a whole becomes soul conscious.

The Tibetan explains that this transformation proceeds by “the application of directed motion” resulting in “the appearance of two triangles in the place of one square.” The phrase, “the application of directed motion” might be an indication of humanity’s role in this transformative process. By direct, undeviating, intentional motion or action man transforms himself. He becomes “the true triangle, expressing the three divine aspects or energies” of that great Triangle of Energy: purpose, love, and intelligence (p. 481). As a person refines their own energy patterns—reshapes their personal geometry—they merge in the ethers with the energy bodies of others and within the etheric body of the planet. Thus, one personal geometrization at a time, humanity and the planet are transformed. Literally. . . trans-formed. A geometric transformation—from squares to triangles, from material energies to spiritual.

Thus, an esoteric understanding of the geometry of life adds another dimension to the Triangles work. This work can be appreciated as a means of true transformation for the planet and an agency of its spiritual evolution.

The Tibetan provides one final image in this transformative process: the two triangles, formed from the bisected square, are finally “united. . . in a fresh manifestation to form the Star of Life” (p. 479). An end to “the rule of the square” and self-actualization for the planet.

Julie Rudzinski