Let your light shine forth

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on September 11, 2017:

In relation to the shining forth of light there is an interesting teaching in esoteric astrology about the different qualities of light that characterize any particular sign of the zodiac. The descriptions can inspire us to seek to understand these qualities and differences and work more deeply with them.  By doing this we learn discrimination and deepen our inner knowing of what is needed at any time.  The shifting light in the outer world is a reflection of the inner qualities. 

The light of Virgo is called ‘The blended dual Light’ wherein two lights are seen—one bright and strong, the light of form described in the keynote as the Mother; the other faint and dim, the light of God or the indwelling Christ child. From this point the journey of the growing inner light begins. The focus in Virgo is on the blended nature of the light.  The lights are not separate, in two distinct entities as in Gemini but rather they are blended and part of one being.  But as progress is made in the return to our source the situation eventually reverses as the light of the soul waxes and eventually emerges, after many cycles as the Word made flesh, the soul triumphing over form, which is realized in Scorpio as the  individual emerges into the light of day. In the natural world during this period there is a dramatic shift in the nature and appearance of the light--at least in the northern hemisphere.  The outer, more “material” aspects of light--the heat and the brightness-- dim now and a new and gentler light emerges. 

Through our work together in Triangles we irradiate the planet with whatever light is available to us during any cycle.  As the group soul is contacted,  the members shine its light throughout  the planetary network to all corners of the planet.  

As we now work with the earth element of Virgo, a feminine receptive energy,  it is the time during the cycle of the outbreath when we begin to slow down in preparation for the coming pause of the next cycle of the lower interlude.  Life cannot be one long inbreathing or outbreathing, the pauses in between are important for assimilation and creation. Virgo grounds the energies for it has a powerful relationship not only to the soil of the planet itself — but also to its soul, to the inner light. It could be said that there is a  particularly close relationship between Virgo and this planet. Virgo underlies the whole secret of the form life which is to shield, nurture and redeem the inner light. 

The relationship of Virgo with the Earth could be one of the reasons why this period within the annual cycle is so often a time of crisis and also environmental devastation.  The earth is stimulated to speak and to express at this time.  For Virgo is a sign of crisis and if the Earth rules this sign, the full energy related to crisis would be pouring directly into the planet, unveiled so to speak, without the intermediary of another body to step down the impact.  When the Earth is stimulated it is as if there is an awakening of the planetary shakti, the planetary chakra system which can be difficult to assimilate for struggling humanity.  Triangles workers stand steady and do what we can to irradiate the light of the planetary network into the actions of the daily life, no matter what is happening. 

For each of us carries the network’s light with us.  We are always connected to this greater purpose of planetary redemption and our intention is to pour it out through our daily actions.  No matter what we do or where we go, we can tune into the network at any time.  At this time we are encouraged to discover and unveil the symbolism and the mysteries underlying the familiar which can easily be overlooked because of their very familiarity.  We can pay attention to that which is close at hand and uncover the deeper meaning it holds for us.  The simple truth, but difficult for humanity to realize, is that divinity resides within and that is where we should look for it -- not in outer things such as another desire that seeks satisfaction, or another course or spiritual teacher whom we think might save or enlighten us, but rather it can be found  within ourselves as we learn to align with that permanent and undying part of the Self. 

The shining forth of light can be expressed in simple gestures. In India, for example, there is a beautiful tradition in the greeting  of namaste, which literally means “I bow to the light within you,” and which is often accompanied by bringing the palms together at the heart center.  And even if we in the West don’t do this practice, we can open ourselves to this attitude and silently send a greeting to those we meet. During a recent webinar, one group member mentioned using the hands during the sounding of the Great Invocation.The hands will surely come into increasing spiritual use as we move more fully into this seventh ray Aquarian age, as the hands are powerful distribution agents for the higher light, vehicles through which spiritual energy can flow. The Hindu use of mudras is an ancient science that embodies this knowledge. 

As we pay attention to the details of the daily life and its myriad opportunties that we can seize and make of spiritual significance, it’s helpful to also take the long term view of what is working out here on planet earth -- the beautiful planet of suffering. This vision is encapsulated in a teaching taken from a book entitled Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines.  It runs as follows, “"All beauty, all goodness, all that makes for the eradication of sorrow and ignorance upon earth must be devoted to the one Great Consummation. Then when the Lords of Compassion shall have spiritually civilised the Earth and made of it a Heaven, there will be revealed to the Pilgrims the Endless Path, which reaches to the heart of the universe. Man, then no longer man, will transcend Nature, and impersonally, yet consciously, in at-one-ment with all the Enlightened Ones, help to fulfil the Law of the Higher Evolution, of which Nirvana is but the beginning" 

The phrase ”let your light shine forth” is not merely a simple spiritual injunction. It is said to be the keynote of those Great Lords of Compassion Who, following the Path of Earth Service, are working to spiritually civilize the Earth. These Lords are called the beneficent dragons and are said to be known by their luminosity and wise-compassion. But in order to release this inner light it is said that a battle is necessary. So as we, in our lesser measure battle through this transition period in our evolutionary cycle, it may be helpful to know that these Great Ones are said to gain luminosity upon the battle ground through a fight with a dragon. So battling is part of our path on this planet; and in the end, something very beautiful and special will emerge.  We Triangles workers have the opportunity to contrinute to that emergence.

Please join us in the weekly Triangles webinars which are held each Monday at 3:00 pm (New York), 8:00 pm (London) and 21:00 (Geneva).  For more information:  please click here