Rainbows of Light

The following remarks were broadcast on the Triangles Webinar on July 31, 2017:

We live in a sea of energies.  These energies pour ceaselessly and rhythmically through all things and provide the spiritual foundation for the fact of relationship.  All things are related through this etheric flow-- human beings, the animal and vegetable worlds, the planet as a whole, as well as the greater systemic and cosmic networks of which we are a minute part. Working within this web of energies as we engage in our Triangles work helps us to step back from the world of effects in which we daily live and enter into this subtler, subjective reality.  Through our participation in this work we thereby gain a larger perspective, a more synthetic world view.  This perspective reminds us that the wheel of life moves slowly, irrevocably onward through immense cycles, within cycles, that are unimaginable to us.  It’s said that the keynote of our Logos, the great Ancient of Days, the Lord of the World, is relationship.  We can see therefore how the work of Triangles is surely in some manner aiding the Logos in anchoring his keynote on Earth, a keynote that will surely find deeper resonance within the human kingdom as we move into the Aquarian age, for Aquarius is one of the pre-eminent signs of relationship.

We would be myopic, however, to think that this activity of Triangles in which we share is unique to our planetary life. For all planets, all constellations and stars are composed essentially of these etheric forms, just as are all of us.  And surely within this cosmic framework there are networks encircling not only other planets, but also larger wholes such as solar systems, groupings of systems and surely galaxies as well.  Closer to home, all planets that are sacred, for example, are already surrounded by networks of Triangles.  Those systems that are non-sacred, we know, are surrounded by a network of squares.  Within our system, esoterically speaking, it’s said our planet is already sacred but upon the plane of material reality we probably stand somewhere in between this state of a triangular network and one composed of square.  But perhaps what is unique on our planet at this time is the hastening process being undertaken through the active participation of humanity in the creation of this network.  For there is an experiment being undertaken here, an experiment in accelerated evolutionary development, and Triangles workers are an integral part of this.

The energies of the seven rays are perhaps the most potent energies that condition the etheric network in which we work.  The rays pour through and condition all forms of life-- the constellations, but also the great stars and the planets.  All things are colored by these seven streams that each have their particular color, note and qualities.  Each of the rays emanates, at least for the system of which we are a part, from the seven stars of the Great Bear, one star for each ray influence.   

These ray energies pouring in from this distant source constitute the macrocosmic rainbow bridge, a type of cosmic antahkarana that pours through all planes, all states of being. Each one of us takes the ray influences that are specific to us--the influences that are conditioning us at a soul level and a personality level-- and weaves a pattern that connects us with our higher self. And as we build this lighted bridge in concert with all others who are so working, it becomes a means through which the influence of the spiritual hierarchy, which is composed of all the many ray types, can flow into the world.  This cooperative effort is our true service.

Rainbows are interesting in a number of ways. It’s said that at the time of their death great saints become as a radiant rainbow and the physical form disintegrates.  There are many instances of this in occurrence noted in the historical records in India and China and which have been investigated by the Institute of Noetic Sciences.  They have found 160,000 documents of such occurrences.

But there are other instances among the truly great teachers wherein rainbows appeared within the environment during their periods of heightened expansions of consciousness.  Lama Govinda, a German seeker, in his book The Way of the White Clouds, cites an interesting example of this.  He spoke of a great yogi from Tibet who lived in the latter part of the 19th and early part of the 20th centuries who became known as Tomo Geshe Rinpoche--”The Learned Jewel of the Wheat Valley.”

Tomo Geshe spent twelve years meditating in a cave and attained to great wisdom.  He was convinced to leave the cave by a shepherd who came upon him when he had emerged from his cave to take in some sun and play a musical instrument.  Because the shepherd recognized the wisdom of this man he convinced him to leave the cave and begin another type of work as the head of various monasteries throughout Tibet.  Tomo Geshe then spent the rest of his life travelling throughout Tibet and India giving his inspiration to the hearts of the people, healing the sick, and teaching those who were ready to receive the teaching of the Dharma.  His primary intention was to prepare people for the return of the Maitreya Buddha.

Lama Govinda relayed an account of a heightened experience of contact attained by Tomo Geshe at the beginning of his public work.  He was directed to go to a high place in the Tibetan plateau, near the northern border of Sikkim,  a place that was wide and open with snow-peaks. Lama Govinda wrote, “It is a place where heaven and earth meet on equal terms, where the landscape has the vastness and rhythm of the open sea, and the sky the depth of universal space. “  Tomo Geshe here experienced visions of great saints hovering in the sky.   These visions appeared as if “woven of light, dazzling in all the colours of the rainbow, while slowly moving from the eastern to the western horizon. At first the vision was only visible to [Tomo Geshe] but through the creative power of his imagination he was able to make them appear to those present.”  Not all saw the visions in the majesty of the Rinpoche’s vision but they saw enough to inspire them. Those who could see were sent into a blissful state of peace as the vision lasted for a number of hours.   

The release of rainbow colors at death or during great periods of enlightenment can bring home to us the reality of the beauty and colour of the inner life.  Surely our work together in Triangles gives us the opportunity to tap into this vast network of light which exists within the planetary soul and release it as lighted waves of colour pouring out over all the worlds.  As such, in our way, as chelas in a different time and place working within the network of Triangles, we can also partake of a fragment of the beauty and joy that appeared to those who vicariously participated many years ago in Tomo Geshe’s enlightenment, in that quiet valley in the recesses of that “City of Sunlight,” that “Holy City,” which is Tibet.

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