Reflections on Wesak Work

We are within the radius and the radiance of the sacred Wesak full moon days – this Monday being a day of distribution of the light and the life more abundant that is flowing from the highest realms through the planetary heart center, the Hierarchy of love and the great Masters of East and West, the Buddha and the Christ, through the New Group of World Servers and all true aspirants and disciples of all traditions encompassing, stimulating and fusing humanity.

The three major festivals at the yearly higher interlude, with Wesak at the apex, can be seen esoterically as a brilliant triangle – a great dynamo of the spiritual year. We find ourselves at a significant turning point and 2019 is not only characterized by its prominent numerological value (coming up to the 12 of perfection and 3 or the triad at its core) but also by the fact that at the end of this yearly cycle there will be another climax, the Festival Week of the New Group of World Servers, from 21-28 of December in the sign of Capricorn, celebrated every 7 years. We are also preparing for an even greater date, 2025, when great events are expected to precipitate into manifestation with an intensification of the first ray impulses. The Alice Bailey books describe a “General Assembly” of the Hierarchy in this year when decisions will be made, among other things, about its Externalization and a new cycle of the incoming 4th ray.

In such a high charged atmosphere of spiritual potencies four groups came together in Athens to celebrate the Taurus Full moon (Wesak), aligned subjectively in vertical connection with the great channel of inpouring energies of blessing, joined together in partnership with innumerable individuals and groups from both hemispheres and all over the planet.

Living and working in our particular country – Greece lies geographically between East and West, on the southeastern borders of Europe and the Mediterranean, at the bottom of the Balkan peninsula – it  seems that we resonate increasingly to the energies of the Wesak festival which we have been celebrating since 2012 (a date marking the most recent New Group of World Servers Festival Week).

What was different in this year’s public Wesak meeting on Saturday was found in the more subjective layers and the silent manner (that always unifies fields) in which our four different groups were magically drawn together aligned in intention and purpose to actualize a united group effort. The four short talks that were given might be compared with the fiery platonic solids of a tetrahedron or could be seen as occupying the four parts of the cross within a circle-- the symbol of our Earth, so closely connected with Taurus and “the immortal twin brother,” Venus.

In each presentation one could find interesting insights of issues and ideas related with this greatest of all festivals and also with what lies ahead in the coming time and era and what might be seen as our next step forward as a group of servers. The talks also touched upon ways and approaches that could be used to create an increased fusion and understanding among spiritually oriented people who are working on similar  esoteric lines and who are interested as well in the welfare of humanity, by undertaking loving and skillful activities expressed in group work and service of the Plan.

But most of all, behind the spoken words one could perceive the vision taking shape and form as the increased light “opened the eye of the group”. For a short moment Wesak resembled a bridge of light to the future. To describe such a subtle phenomenon and atmosphere with words is hardly possible--like trying to capture and imprison an inner spark of livingness of the truth…!

Yet overall the entire effect of working with the energies could be clearly seen in the eyes and faces of the more or less 70 participants as well as the ten or more people who connected via ZOOM from other parts of Greece.  The meeting concluded with a profound meditation “Letting in the Light,” using the Taurus keynote.

It is perhaps worth mentioning that our gathering took place in a spacious cultural venue in the heart of the city, decorated by bronze busts of poets and writers and innumeraable volumes of books. Next to the books we placed the blue books of the Tibetan and Alice Baily for display.

I’m thinking that from another perspective some of us might have experienced this particular Wesak meeting not so much as a hub but rather as a lab in the sense of being able to observe how Vulcan, the blacksmith and double ruler of Taurus, is working out its energies at this time.

In order to keep the narrative of our experience short and simple in the spirit of this sacred period, I left out some interesting aspects of the work, i.e. the relationship between Taurus “the Mother of Illumination,” with Virgo, the mother nurturing the child Christ, and Capricorn, the “Unicorn of God,” the sign of Transfiguration and Initiation – the later two signs ruling the personality and the soul of Greece respectively. Our priority now is to carry on our shoulders as much light as we can and to pour it forth to thirsty men,  like true Aquarians. And one of the most innovative and efficient ways to do so is through our Triangle work.

                                                                                    Christina Kosmadaki