The Search for Truth

The full moon of Sagittarius through which we have recently passed is associated with seeking truth which is very relevant in these days of competing opinions and polarisation of thinking. There are of course, various paths to the Truth and the important lesson that humanity has to learn is that all the many different perceptions of truth that exist within individuals, societies, groups, religions and nations, for example, all contribute to the one Truth. This Truth can only be accessed through recognising that our own little bit of truth forms part of a much wider group mosaic of Truth, bringing to mind the words of the great Islamic poet, Rumi:

“The truth was a mirror in the hands of God. It fell, and broke into pieces. Everybody took a piece of it, and they looked at it and thought they had the truth.”

We all have opinions, perceptions of what we believe is the truth and we use this perception to discern right from wrong, how we go about our lives, who we associate with.  But it is important to not confuse these perceptions as facts or see them as the Truth. Our own perception is completely unique, for it is formed through a multitude of lives and experiences that are exclusive. No two people will have the exact same perception of reality because there are no two people whose lives have been exactly the same. Our upbringing, culture, relationships, education and religion all form a part of forming our perceptions in one lifetime and this is built upon that which we have learned and experienced in previous life times. And of course, our perceptions also change over time.

When we fully recognise that our perceptions, although true to us, do not equal the Truth, and that each perception mirrors a tiny aspect of the overall Truth, it becomes impossible to judge or criticise another’s perception of truth, for we know that another’s opinion, another’s truth, contributes to this overall Truth.  It is only in understanding other people’s truths that we can begin to piece together what is the real Truth. This comes from seeing things from all sides, to have the ability to put ourselves in all other’s shoes and this brings greater compassion and empathy for other’s truths. We learn to recognise the opportunity that comes from understanding each perspective, for we are all on the path towards absolute Truth.

We are surrounded however, by a multitude of opinions based on individual perception and we have to make our way through this in order to form our own opinions, and this is becoming increasingly complex due to the ease at which people through the various medias can voice their opinions to the world. We are also finding that we can no longer look to religious or government authority for example, to understand the truth of circumstances, we are beginning to understand that their truths while valid to them are limited by their perspective. And the many opinions voiced on such perspectives are bewildering in their diversity and often animosity. We are therefore, being forced by these circumstances to look inward, to our own truths, to gain an understanding that is based on direct knowledge of truth. It takes this higher perspective to be able to synthesis the combinations of perspectives that make up the real truth

Direct knowledge can only come through meditation, which includes of course, all types of mental reflection. It includes all those who are learning to think things through and not just those who sit in daily meditation. As we know, it is through mental reflection that spiritual knowledge grows up within the mind, and from the basis of ordinary knowledge expands until it merges with wisdom. We read that ‘All things will stand revealed to the man who truly meditates.  He will comprehend the hidden things of nature, and the secrets of the life of the spirit.  He will also know how he knows.’ Intellect to Intuition pg. 81

This shift away from obeying authority to gaining individual understanding is all part of the transition period as we pass out of the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. This is aided by the change from the sixth ray influence which emphasises the adherence to one’s truth at the expense of all others, and is giving way to the seventh ray energies now coming into manifestation that emphasise the higher truths of brotherhood and unity. But the the Alice Bailey teachings suggest that it is the sixth ray people, those who hold on to all that is past and whose influence is potent in hindering the progress of humanity into the new age that ‘provide a needed balance and are responsible for a steadying process which is much needed in the world at this time.’1 They go on to ‘solemnly beg us not to make the lines of cleavage wider by placing yourself, and all who follow your form of ideology, upon the side of the Forces of Light and all other people and their ideologies, with which you may not agree, upon the side of the Forces of Darkness.’2

It is important to remember that the Piscean experience has prepared and is still preparing us for this next step forward and is therefore part of the overall Truth, just as the Aquarian perception will contribute to the Age of Capricorn that will come in a couple of thousand years. All perceptions contribute to the Truth and this will become increasingly realised as the Aquarian energies work their magic. And it is these energies that we as Triangles workers seek to utilize, for we strive through our daily work to lighten the mental atmosphere of the planet making it easier for people to raise their consciousness above their personal perspectives to the truth that lies behind and thus, we help to bring about a New Age based on right human relations. Perhaps, the words by Kahlil Gibran in his poem On Self-Knowledge should always be kept in mind:

Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth."
Say not, "I have found the path of the soul." Say rather, "I have met the soul walking upon my path."
For the soul walks upon all paths.
The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.
The soul unfolds itself like a lotus of countless petals.


                                                                        Christine Aagaard

1 Destiny of the Nations pg.30

2 Externalisation of the Hierarchy pg. 129